“I thought I lost you. I thought I lost you.” He whispers it into my hair. I feel his chest heave with a sob. “I can’t lose you, blue eyes.”
My hands run over his back in comforting circles. “You didn’t. I’m here, Wes. I’d never leave you.” He sags against me. I don’t want to say the next part, however, they need to know. “It was Cole,” I spill. I hate having to tell them it was their brother.
Wesley pulls back, tilting my chin up gently. He says, “We know.”
My brows furrow. “How?”
I feel a hand on my lower back. Peeking over my shoulder, I see Damian standing protectively behind me.
“You should have seen him, blue eyes. As soon as he realized you were missing, he strong-armed the head of security at the hospital to show him the video footage. That’s how we found out,” Wes boasts proudly.
My lip quivering, I ask, “You did that?”
His eyes widen and his throat bobs. “I would’ve done much more than that if I needed to, Thea.”
“Sutton?” The mention of the hospital sends a surge of panic through me. I look between Damian and Wes, waiting for them to tell me something.
Damian rubs my back. “He’s out of surgery. It went well, but he’s not out of the woods yet. They’re keeping a close eye on him.”
I let out a breath. As I do, the officer walks over to us.
“Ms. Griffin. Is there anyone else at that cabin we should know about?” Her eyes travel over my bloody body. “Alive or otherwise?”
“He was gone when I woke up. The car is gone too.”
She nods. “I’m going to need a statement from you. But I think you need to get checked out at the hospital first. Then come down to the station. We’ll try to be as quick as possible. I’m sure you’re eager to get home.”
“We’ll make sure she gets looked at,” Wes assures her. I watch her walk away and stare up at him.
“You’d be proud of me. I went for the throat, like you said.” His face scrunches as his brown eyes sweep over me.
“Did you go for the throat or take his head clean off?” A laugh gurgles up, but I stop it. Nausea rolls through me. This is their brother that we’re talking about and the man I loved just yesterday.
As demented as Cole is, it still feels wrong. They must be hurting at the loss. And I’m only going to make it worse. I’m going to have to be the one to tell them about everything Cole has done, including trying to kill Sutton. That can wait.
“He won’t get to you again. I promise.” I want to be relieved by Damian’s words, however, it’s difficult. Cole is out there somewhere and I have a feeling this isn’t the last we’ve seen of him. “On my life, princess.” Those words have a whole new meaning now. Cole was so close to making that a reality.
“Let’s get you to the hospital. I’m going to need a play-by-play of your neck move. I’m impressed,” Wes says proudly as he leads me to the ambulance that’s being escorted through the traffic cones.
I turn my head to look back down the long dirt road—my almost grave. I’ve always been able to find beauty in the darkest places and today it almost killed me.
1 Month Later
I balance on the small ladder, taping one side of the banner to the wall. Welcome Home, it reads. The last four weeks have been tough for all of us. Between Sutton’s recovery, police statements, Cole still missing, my healing process, and the guys essentially losing a brother, it’s been hard.
Not to mention, we had to celebrate Sutton’s birthday in the hospital.
We’ve argued more than we probably should have, went to bed angry and have gone days without speaking. But I think we’re finally coming out on the other side of this.
Sutton’s homecoming today feels like a new chapter. I’ve been by his side daily. I tell myself that I’m there to keep his spirits up, although it’s actually been him keeping mine up. He’s been surprisingly optimistic, despite everything.
“Does this look okay?” Cassie calls out from the kitchen. I examine at the food and drink set up, nodding in approval. She’s been here for us every step of the way—bringing us meals, filling in for me at the studio, running errands. I couldn’t ask for a better friend.
I plan on repaying her for her kindness, although I know it’s not necessary. I’m going to make sure we get that property, even if I have to set my ego to the side to do it.