They carry on normally for the rest of the night as if their housekeeper hadn’t insulted me. And like I haven’t kissed my boyfriend’s brother while he watched. This place keeps getting stranger and stranger.
Damian doesn’t let me lift a finger except to eat and drink. Wesley keeps his distance, although I catch his gaze every time I look at him. He doesn’t avert his eyes anymore or stomp off in anger. He just watches me curiously.
Sutton doesn’t bat an eye when Cole wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck. No jealousy? I’m not buying it.
We end the evening in the theater room.
The men let me choose where I’ll settle first, before taking their places—Cole to my right and Sutton to my left. Damian hands out candy, popcorn, and drinks before we get all cozy under the plush throw blankets. Wesley takes his seat at the very end of the couch near Sutton, while Damian sits next to Cole.
It all feels so easy. No one complains or acts jilted, like it’s important to them that I don’t get overwhelmed.
Beneath the blankets, Cole and Sutton each take a hand, never trying to push it farther than that—simply content with me trying this unusual situation.
I fall asleep while watching the movie and wake sometime in the middle of the night to a dark room. It takes me a minute to realize where I am. When I do, I see that the men have all huddled closer to me. Arms are thrown over one another so that each has a hand touching me, even Wesley.
I settle myself back into sleep and have the most restful night that I can remember in a very long time, feeling utterly protected and cared for.
Me: Come out with me tonight, Thea.
Our Girl: Is that a question or an order?
Cole: I’d like to know as well.
Me: You’re always free to do as you wish, but if you prefer an order, I can give you one.
Damian: Watch it, Sutton…
Wesley: Yeah, Damian’s the only one who’s allowed to give orders around here.
Our Girl: Okay, enough…yes, I’ll go out with you tonight.
Me: Good, be ready by eight. Wear jeans and sneakers.
Damian: I don’t think she’s ready for all that…
Our Girl: All what?
Our Girl: All what???
None of us reply to her in the group chat. She’ll find out tonight what I have in store for her as long as she comes in what I’ve told her to wear. Her safety is my top priority. It’s why I made the hour trip to pick up some supplies for our date.
I run my hand over the matte black Shoei Neotec helmet—it matches mine. Under it is the black Dainese jacket. I want her fully covered, completely protected, when I take her for a ride tonight. She’s going to look badass in her gear. Her gear, the words echo in my head.
I never thought this day would come.
Thea slipped through my fingers all those years ago and here I am now, getting everything ready to take her on my motorcycle—my happy place aside from my bookstore. I’ve never let a woman ride with me before. I can’t wait to give that first to her.
I glance at my watch. Four hours to go. It feels too far away. I’ve already washed my bike, showered, and packed a bag. Cole is going to pick her up after he gets off work. Laying on my bed, I stare up at the ceiling, practically counting the minutes until eight.
My parents bought me my first bike fifteen years ago when I was a senior in highschool. Probably not the brightest idea. I was eighteen and had something to prove back then. But they’ve always been supportive of anything I’ve wanted to pursue.
The desire to shed my nerdy persona was no different. I wish it was simply a case of feeling self-conscious. It wasn’t. The bullying was brutal. They witnessed the effects of it daily and were by my side when I hit my lowest point—when living didn’t seem worth the trouble.
Thankfully, the support from my parents and eventually Wesley’s threats to my bullies helped pull me out of that dark place. While the overt harassment stopped, I was never fully accepted by anyone outside of Damian, Cole, and Wes. That hurt a lot.