I watched as Damian bulked up and Wes, who was already huge, started getting tattoos. There was a shift in how people viewed them. I wanted that too.
Back then, I was far too indecisive to settle on a tattoo. However, a bike I could get on board with. And it worked. That first morning, I pulled up on my motorcycle wearing all black, feeling like a new person. Everyone’s eyes turned to me in the parking lot as they waited to see who was underneath the helmet. I’ll admit, there was a certain smug satisfaction when I took it off and a few of the girls who’d always overlooked me came over to talk.
At first, riding was a way to earn the respect of my peers. It quickly became much more than that. Riding brings me peace. It’s only me, my bike, and the road—everything else falls away. I hope Thea feels the same.
Thinking of my parents is a reminder that I need to call them. It’s been a few days and I want to catch up. I also need to thank my mom for the care package she dropped off. I’ve insisted that I don’t need it, but she doesn’t listen. I’m thirty-three and don’t need my mom bringing me baskets with body wash and my favorite snacks. Caring for me in these little ways brings her joy and I can’t say that I don’t look forward to them every month. Maybe I’ll just say thank you when I call instead of asking her not to do it. First, a nap though. I know it’ll likely be a long night.
“You ready for this?” Thea nods, the helmet engulfing her head. I have her visor pushed up. Her blue eyes are wide in nervousness, yet there’s also a bit of sparkle there. The one she gets when she’s excited.
I can tell Cole is worried. He’s standing a few feet away with his arms crossed, his lips are pressed together tightly. “I’m serious, Sutton. Nothing happens to her. She comes home in one piece.” If it was Damian saying this, I’d probably tell him to fuck off. Cole’s sensitive. And if the roles were reversed, I’d be saying the same thing to him.
“I’ll protect her at all costs. You have my word.” Cole’s tension seems to ease at my promise. It’s true, nothing will happen to Thea on my watch. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something did.
Turning back to her, I look her up and down. Fuck, she’s hot. She’s wearing a pair of tight, dark blue jeans and black sneakers. I zip up her black riding jacket. It’s a perfect fit.
“Backpack for my backpack.” I hand her the black bag to slip over her shoulders.
I laugh. “You’re my backpack because you’re hanging onto me.” I can tell she’s smiling as her eyes crinkle.
I throw my leg over my black MV Agusta F4 and push back the kickstand. Cocking my head, I signal for her to join me. Cole stares us down. “Sutton,” he calls out. “Watch it tonight.” I know exactly what he means.
Cole wants to make sure I know not to get carried away on our date. I nod once. Easier said than done. Keeping my hands to myself is going to be difficult—I can admit that wholeheartedly. It took all of my restraint not to deepen that kiss in the kitchen last night.
The rules are important, although they aren’t always clear cut. We have to feel out what works for us. That’s why I studied Cole’s reaction to me kissing Thea in front of him. I didn’t sense any jealousy from him, which has been a worry of mine. As much as we pride ourselves on not competing with one another, we’re human and can’t rule it out.
Cole is keeping tight lipped about his and Thea’s intimacy, but he would have told us if they slept together. So for now, kissing is on the table—everything else is off.
Turning the ignition key, I start up my bike. It roars to life beneath us. Thea’s arms instinctively wrap around my waist and her thighs squeeze against me. She’ll relax soon enough. I rev the engine a couple of times and she hugs me closer, bumping her helmet into the back of mine. I chuckle. This is going to be fun.
I take off down the driveway, glancing back at Cole once. He hasn’t moved. I’ll bring her back in one piece, brother.
It doesn’t take Thea long to adjust. I ran through all the things she needed to know for our ride. If I tap her leg, she needs to hold on tight. Tap my helmet if she sees a cop. No screaming. Lean with me. Feet on footrests at all times. No wiggling around and try not to bump helmets. I have to admit, she’s doing pretty good so far. Our helmets have only bumped a few times.
We come to a stoplight as we cut through Main Street. I sit up, waiting for the light to turn.
Reaching back, I run my hand up her leg, squeezing her thigh. Her legs tighten around me as her hands travel lower on my torso. Fuck, she must be turned on. As her hands hit the top of my pants, the light turns green. I’m disappointed, yet also relieved.
It’s almost dark when I pull into the parking lot of the scenic overlook. There’s just enough daylight to gaze out over the mountains. I help Thea take off her helmet and walk her over to the railing.
“How was that for you?” I’m hoping she says she liked it because I want to have her ride with me as much as possible.
She tears her gaze away from the view and smiles. “It was… incredible. I’m sore, but it’s worth it.” I beam with pride. She’s amazing.
“It wasn’t scary? I know we went a little faster than you might have expected.” I watch her blue eyes shift away and pink creep into her cheeks. I hook my fingers under her chin and bring her attention back to me. “Hey, you alright?”
“Yeah. It was a little scary at times, but it was also…” Thea’s never been one to not be able to find the words with me. I search her face. “I don’t know. It felt good at the same time.”
I lick my lips—I think I understand what she’s saying. “The adrenaline turned you on?”
She nods and looks away again like it’s something to be ashamed of. She has so much to learn. “That’s okay,” I reassure her. “I could tell when we were at the stoplight.”
Thea’s head snaps back to me. “What? How?”
A chuckle escapes. “I mean, the way your legs tightened around me and your hands… also, I just know you. I can pick up on those subtle things.”
“Oh… I mean, the way you touched my thigh and the high of coming down from the speed and the danger of it all. I don’t know… it did something to me.”