Dozens of mostly candid photos fill the pages.
“What can I say? I’m just that good.” My attempt to lighten the mood goes unnoticed.
“This is incredible. You’re so talented. You capture what no one else notices… the things we can’t see because we’re too wrapped up in the moment.” Cole’s fingers brush over a picture of him and Damian sharing a smile, cards in hand, during game night.
I give his hand a squeeze. “I notice you.” I think of the story he told me about his parents not realizing that he was missing. He shouldn’t walk around in life believing that no one sees him. I see him, all of him. Taking the photos hadn’t started that way, however, after that day at the pool, it just sort of came to me.
His reaction makes the tightness in my chest ease. Any other man would have found this strange or obsessive. Cole is touched. He’s different from anyone I’ve ever dated. I’m starting to agree with what he told his brothers. This could be… serious. Thinking the word doesn’t send the shock or fear through me like I thought it would.
He pulls me from my thoughts as he squeezes my hand. He looks concerned, so I smile softly and add, “I designed it so your brothers won’t notice it. I know how guys can be and I don’t want them to talk shit about this.”
He smirks, but tells me, “I don’t mind them seeing this. I think they’d appreciate it as much as I do. All the work and thought you put into it…” Cole trails off, unable to find the words for what he’s feeling.
“You know,” I shift in my seat to fully face him, “It’s okay for you to keep things for yourself. You share everything with them. Is there anything that’s off limits?”
The way his mouth turns down and his brows furrow tells me that there’s something he’s holding back. Or maybe the thought of keeping anything for himself hasn’t occurred to him. Are they all really that selfless?
“Yeah, Cole, is there anything off limits?” I turn my head to find Damian strolling towards us from the kitchen. What a fucking creep. How long has he been here, listening to this private moment?
He stops when he reaches the sofa we’re sitting on, gripping the back of it and staring at his brother, waiting for an answer.
I look at the two men. They’re staring at each other. There is some strange, silent exchange going on between them.
“Damian,” Cole warns.
His brother cocks his head. “You told me to be my usual self. Did you not?”
I’m completely lost and a little annoyed. “What the hell is going on?”
Cole finally looks back at me and places the album into the bag it came in. He takes my hands. Oh no. This is it. The other shoe is dropping and I’ll be shattered. My entire body tenses.
“Thea, the answer is no. Nothing is off limits.”
Shaking my head in confusion, I search his face, trying to understand what he means. Cole gives me nothing. My eyes flick up to Damian’s. He smirks, then winks. Fuck… no. I try to push the thought from my head, but it’s too persistent.
I’m so stupid. They’ve been trying to tell me all along and I’ve been dense. “What’s his is mine and what’s mine is his.” “We share everything.”
“Oh,” I mumble, my face heating as I look away from them both. “Everything.” There’s a sort of finality to saying it out loud. This is what I’ve been subconsciously waiting for—the thing that ruins my perfect image of what Cole and I have.
I’m going to be sick.
“Thea…” The pleading in Cole’s voice doesn’t escape me. I can’t look at him. I feel betrayed. Lied to. Tricked. Tears prickle my eyes.
I smooth my hands down the front of my skirt, unsure of what to say. Do I ask questions? Should I question why he didn’t tell me sooner? Instead, I say more than I ask, “I guess this is it for us, then?” Because, honestly, what do those other questions matter if it’s all over?
Our eyes meet and the pain on his face is hard to come to terms with. Cole deceived me, although I can tell that there’s something bigger going on here. Something that might be out of his control.
I get the distinct feeling this isn’t the first time this has happened. The realization that this is the moment he loses me is hitting him as hard as it’s hitting me.
Cole tries to take my hands, but I pull away. “We can still be together. I want us to be together.”
“If you share… women,” the word is difficult to push out. “If you share everything, then what?” My brain tries to work through the logistics. “I would also date your brothers?” Brothers sound like a strange thing to call them, now that I know how intimately close they all are.
This conversation is awkward, especially with Damian’s presence hanging over us. How could they share? Wouldn’t someone get jealous? How does one woman split her time between four men? It seems exhausting. Unless… I don’t want to let my mind wander into dangerous territory, although I can’t help it. Unless they share at the same time.
Confusion mixed with a familiar tension low in my belly clouds my head. I shove the strange feeling away. It’s irrelevant.
Cole pushes his hand through his curls. “Yes, you’d date all of us.” His confirmation makes my gaze shift elsewhere, unable to look him in the eyes. “I know it’s a lot to take in. I wanted this to go differently.”