Page 82 of Leather & Lies

Willa chuckled. “Yeah, this isn’t even the whole gang.”

“You’ll meet the rest of them at the wedding,” Bones said. “If this lot doesn’t scare you off first.”

“If she’s not scared off by your ugly face, then she can handle us,” a man said.

“Hush,” the blonde who’d handed me the bottle of moonshine said. “He likes her. We’re supposed to speak of his wonderful qualities.”

“Thanks, Logan,” Bones drawled.

“Logan?” I frowned. “You’re Logan?”

The blonde nodded. “I’m Logan.”

I looked at Bones. “That’s Logan?”

“Please don’t tell me you thought I was a guy,” Logan said with an eye roll. “I’ve heard it all before.”

“Well, Bones didn’t clarify. I assumed Logan was one of his biker brothers.”

Logan grinned. “Nope.”

“I guess I have you to thank for the tea.”

“Tea?” Logan frowned. “What tea?”

“The tea Bones brought me to help me sleep.” I frowned. “He said you recommended it to him.”

Logan looked at Bones. “Did he, now?”

“Logan is Smoke’s Old Lady,” Bones explained, diverting my attention momentarily.

Smoke raised his beer bottle to me.

“Willa and Duke, you already know,” Bones said. “Where’s Sutton and Viper?”

Logan cleared her throat. “Occupied.”

I laughed. “Got it.”

“You’ll meet them if and when they decide to resurface,” Bones said with a grin. He pointed to two other men who looked to be in their late thirties. “Raze and Kelp.”

The back door opened and three more bikers strode outside.

“You’re here,” Savage said to me in surprise.

“I am,” I agreed. “Holy hell, what happened to your face?”

His eye was bruised, and his lip was split.

“Sparring at The Ring. It’s the club’s gym.” He frowned.


“Nothing, just—Charlie told me she was hanging out with you and that’s why she couldn’t meet me tonight.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t know anything about that,” I said.

“Wait, a woman blew off Savage?” a pint-sized brunette asked. She then took the bottle of moonshine from Logan and downed a huge swallow.