Page 83 of Leather & Lies

“She didn’t blow me off,” Savage muttered.

“Kinda sounds like she did.”

“Shut up, Tavy,” Savage growled.

Tavy smirked. “Hi, I’m Tavy. I’m Logan’s best friend and Smoke’s daughter.”

I blinked. “Wait, you’re…”

“Yep.” Tavy nodded. “Logan’s gonna be my new mommy.”

Logan tugged on a lock of Tavy’s hair. “Ignore her. She has no filter.”

“How are you doing with names?” Bones asked.

“I don’t need name tags yet,” I quipped.

“Then here’s two more to add to the list.” He gestured to the two younger bikers who’d come outside with Savage.

“Acid and Crow.”

They gave me a couple of chin nods.

“Okay, so you guys can go away now,” Tavy said. “We want to talk to Hayden.”

Bones looked at me.

“I’m good. I swear.” I leaned closer and lowered my voice. “So far, none of this has scared me off.”

“I’m still easing you in, Duchess.” He kissed me briefly, swiped the bottle of moonshine from Logan, and followed his boys to the other side of the bonfire.

Savage held back for a moment.

“You want me to text Charlie?” I asked, reaching for my phone only to realize that I’d left the house without my purse or cell.


“Just as well, I don’t have my phone on me.”

Savage turned and headed toward the other bikers.

“Sit,” Willa commanded.

“Yeah, sit,” Logan urged.

“So, there are more of you,” I said as I settled my bottom into a vacant chair.

“A lot more,” Willa said. “We’re fruitful and we multiply.”

I laughed.

“We didn’t think we were going to get to meet you until Viper and Sutton’s wedding this weekend,” Logan said. “So, this is kind of a surprise.”

“It’s a surprise for me too. This was kind of impromptu,” I admitted.

“Bones looks dressed up,” Tavy said. “I mean, dressed up for a biker. Were you guys out on a date?”

“I—we—” I sighed. “It was a date, but it was as my house.”