Page 72 of Leather & Lies


“I know you guys come from different backgrounds. You’re, well…ya know.”

My lips flickered. “Yeah, I know.”

“And he’s…not. I know on the outside it looks like this’ll never work. But don’t let that be the reason you don’t give this a shot. If you don’t see him in your future, well, that’s a different story. But don’t look for reasons to say no.”

“There are so many reasons to say no,” I said quietly. “And not just because of the background thing. How would we even build a life together? I couldn’t even figure out how to do that with someone from my own world—and that made sense.”

“Did it? Because if it did, you’d be with that guy. Right now.”

I let out a long breath. “Insightful.”

“I don’t know you. Not really. But if you pay attention, people show you who they really are. And I think you’re one of the good ones. So is Bones. Sometimes we have to stop looking at our lives through the lenses of what makes sense. Has making sense made you happy?”

She placed her hand on her belly.

“No. It hasn’t made me happy. It hasn’t made me unhappy, but I’ve definitely been in limbo.”

“Only you can decide if you’re ready to let someone in and see you.”

“It’s terrifying.”


“It’s a huge risk.”

“Definitely. But if your life looks just like it does now for the next fifty years, will it be enough for you? If the answer is no, then you have to decide if you’re willing to chance heartbreak for the gamble that it all might pay off.”

I swallowed. “He sleeps with a pistol on the nightstand.”

“He carries it on him during the day,” she pointed out.

“Yeah. But I saw it last night. And it…it was a realization.”

“That he’s not playing at being a biker, he’s an actual biker?”

I nodded.

She smiled. “Yeah, they’re not playing at being bad boys.”

“Bad boys,” I repeated. “I’ve never dated a bad boy.”

“The trick is to find a bad boy who will fuck up anyone that tries to hurt you, but one who’d never hurt you himself. A bad boy that sees you as the center of his entire world.” Her eyes grew misty. “A bad boy who promises you everything and actually delivers. That’s the secret to falling in love with a bad boy.”

“Scary enough to slay dragons and demons, but not become something I have to slay myself.”

“Something like that,” she said.

“I’m glad you called.”

“I tried to give it a few days. I didn’t want to crowd you while you sorted through stuff.”

“I haven’t sorted anything at all,” I replied.

“I meant about the gunman.”

“Right. Wow. That happened, didn’t it?”