Page 73 of Leather & Lies

“It did.”

“How are you doing with it all? I mean, you were the one who…”

“I pulled the trigger. I did the right thing. But it doesn’t mean I sleep soundly.” She shook her head. “But I’ve got a man who pulls me into his arms and holds me while I fall apart. And then he helps me pick up the pieces. And that is truly priceless.”

Chapter 17

There was a shift change at the bakery and Jazz and Brielle grabbed two cups of coffee and joined me and Willa.

“You guys were talking about getting another dog when I came in,” I said.

“We found this rescue,” Brielle explained. “And we kind of time share him with my brother Homer who lives in the same building. But with the hours we work, I don’t think Fluffernutter should be home by himself. It just seems mean.”

“He’s never alone longer than four hours,” Jazz said. “Another dog is a lot of responsibility. Can’t we get a cat?”

“No,” Brielle stated. “No cats. Kittens are cute, but they turn into cats eventually, and cats jump up on counters and you have to spray them with a spray bottle.”

“And they claw up furniture,” Willa added.

“Fine, no cat. But we need to discuss why you want another dog,” Jazz said.

“I told you. Our dog needs a dog,” Brielle said.

Jazz raised her brows. “I think we need to dig a little deeper here.”

Brielle rolled her eyes. “We don’t have to dig deeper. I’m shallow. There’s nothing to this.”

“A puppy is not a substitute for a romantic relationship,” Jazz said.

“I know that.” Brielle sighed. “Although I would very much like a boyfriend…”

“Are there any single bikers?” I asked.

“A few,” Willa said. “Raze, Kelp, Crow, Acid, and Savage. But don’t go there with Savage. I love him, but I love you too. So don’t do that.”

“Plus, he’s kind of hooking up with Charlie—or something. Not sure exactly what’s going on there, but…yeah…” I said.

“I will not be going there with any of them,” Brielle said, looking from me to Willa. “No offense.”

“None taken,” Willa said lightly.

“Why did you look at me?” I asked.

“Because you’re with Bones,” Brielle stated. “And before you say you’re not, you so are, so let’s just move on, okay?”

“Brielle has this thing against bikers,” Jazz added.

“Not a thing against them per se, but my brothers don’t want me getting involved with the club,” she said. “Which is stupid since they tattoo all the Tarnished Angels anyway. Okay for me but not for thee kind of thing.”

“Willa says a bad boy is the way to go,” I said with a smirk at her.

Brielle groaned. “Don’t tell me that. I’m already trying to talk myself out of the idea.”

“Why talk yourself out of the idea?” Jazz asked. “They’re both clearly satisfied with their bad boys. You should get one of those for yourself.”

“Whoa.” I held up a hand. “I’m not satisfied. We haven’t even slept together yet.”

The table fell silent.