Page 55 of Leather & Lies

“As in which one to stab himself with the night of the charity gala?”

“As in which one to eat a salad with.”

“Ah. How engrossing. How will he stay awake during dinner? Wear something plunging, that’s my recommendation.”

“Charlie,” I warned.

“Fine. Okay. You want my professional opinion on this?”

“Professional opinion? What are you a professional at?”

“Getting involved with the wrong men.”

“Oh. Yeah, you are kind of a pro at that,” I teased.

She grinned back. “I think you should see this through.”

“See what through? He’s going with me to this charity event, but we have nothing in common. Nothing to bind us together long term. What’s the point?”

“That’s exactly the point,” she insisted. “You don’t want Walker Anderson. You don’t want Tyler, so what the hell do you want? Sounds like you need the complete opposite. Shake it up, Hayden. You’ll be better for it.”

“I wish I didn’t like him,” I muttered. “It would be so much easier if I didn’t like him.”

“That’s your mistake,” she said. “You gotta be like a rolling stone. Or Teflon. Or a Teflon rolling stone that enjoys men but doesn’t keep them.”

“So, you’re not keeping Savage?”

“Nope. I’m not interested in keeping Savage. Not like you want to keep Bones.”

“What? I don’t want to keep Bones. I don’t even know Bones.”

“But you’re going to get to know him because you’re going to spend time with him. The only time you won’t be talking is when you’re doing it. And even then, he looks like the type to talk dirty.”

“Can you be quiet now?”

“Hmm. Maybe. Got any food?”

“You sure you don’t want me to stay,” Charlie asked three hours later.

“For the hundredth time, no. Please don’t stay.”

“What if you have nightmares?” she asked.

“Then there will be no one to hear me scream.”

“God, you have a dark sense of humor.” She shook her head. “Now I really think I should stay.”

“Go. Go out. Have fun. Have some fun for me.”

“I’ll have a lot of fun. I just texted Savage asking if he wants to take me on a ride on his motorcycle.”

“Be safe.”

“I always use protection.”

“I meant wear a helmet,” I laughed.

“I will.” She hugged me. “I’ve only had like a glass and a half of wine and I won’t drink any more tonight, so if you call, I’ll be available.”