Page 54 of Leather & Lies

I pressed a button on my steering wheel to call Charlie. She picked up on the first ring.


“I’m so freakin’ screwed.”

She paused for a second. “I’ll be at your place in twenty.”

Chapter 13

“You brought wine,” I stated.

“I did,” Charlie said as she came into the living room.

“But I don’t drink wine,” I pointed out.

“It’s not for you. It’s for me. I can’t have girl talk without wine,” she said. “Um, it smells like a seafood boil in here…”

I groaned and buried my face into the arm of the couch.

“What? What did I say?”

“Bones took me to a seafood restaurant and I cracked my own crabs.”

“That sounds dirty.”

“It was. I got crab splatter all over my sweater. I even wore a bib, but it clearly didn’t help.”

“No, I meant it actually sounded dirty. Like, sexual.” She set the bottle of wine onto the coffee table. “Tell Dr. Charlie the problem. On second thought, you might want to shower first.”

By the time I got out of the shower and my clothes were in the dry cleaner’s pile, Charlie was already half a glass into the bottle of wine.

“Okay, tell me everything that happened. But also, how does he look in a tux?”

My shoulders sank. “Even in a tux that doesn’t fit, he looks perfect.”

“Oh no,” she murmured.

I nodded. “I’m going to be a puddle of hormones when I see him in the bespoke tux.”

“Will you jump Bones’ bones?” She sniggered.

I rolled my eyes.

“So, what’s the problem?”

“He invited me to a wedding.”


“Right? Like, that’s weird. I mean, we kind of have this thing going on where for every date we spend in my world, then I have to respond in kind.”


“Not a date exactly. But the tux fitting thing. My world. Seafood restaurant where I cracked crab with my bare hands. His world.”

“Like a tit-for-tat situation.”

“Kinda, yeah. This Wednesday, I’m teaching Bones about forks.”