Page 29 of Leather & Lies

“Sorry,” I muttered.

“What are you sorry for?” he asked.

“For losing it.”

“Duchess,” he said softly, “you had a gun pulled on you and you watched a man die. The fact that you’re not doing more than crying actually has me a little worried.”

I reached into my purse for a tissue. “What would make you less worried?”

“If you yelled, wanted to punch a wall. Anything. But tears?” He shook his head. “I don’t know how to handle tears.”

I gave him a watery smile. “I think you handled my tears just fine.”

“Maybe,” he agreed. “Why didn’t you want Charlie to come home with you? And why didn’t she fight harder to be with you? You’re best friends, right?”

I dabbed at my eyes, wondering if the waterproof mascara was living up to its advertising. “Best friends. Yes. But I—I don’t know. It’s been so heavy between us lately. I didn’t want to burden her with this.”

“Is she a true friend?”


“Then you should want her to see you like this. And she should want to be here for you.”

“It’s complicated,” I said slowly.

“It’s not. Not really. Is she your first call when you’re in trouble?”

I didn’t even have to think about it. “Of course she is.”

“And are you her first call when she’s in trouble?”

“Charlie’s always in trouble,” I joked.

Bones didn’t crack a grin. “You pushed her away. And she let herself be pushed.”

“I appreciate the drive home,” I said, unlatching my seatbelt. “But I didn’t ask for a therapy session.”

“I threw the therapy session in for free.” He handed me back my keys.

“How are you getting home?” I asked pointedly.

“I’ll call a prospect to come get me.”

“What’s a prospect?”

“Someone who wants in the club but is going through the hazing ritual before they become a full brother. They have to prove themselves by doing the grunt work first.”

“I see.” I sighed. “Well, why don’t you come inside. You can wait for your prospect while sitting on my couch and watching TV while I shower.”


“One condition though,” I said as I reached for my door handle.

“What’s that?”

“No more therapy sessions.”

He smiled slightly. “Deal.”