Page 30 of Leather & Lies

Chapter 8

“You live alone?” Bones asked as I punched in the code to the digital lock on the front door.

“Yeah.” I pushed open the door and stepped into the foyer, trying not to think about the heat radiating off the man behind me.

“Big house,” he commented. He looked around the foyer, his gaze darting up the stairs.

“It’s not that big. Not compared to the house I grew up in.”


“Shoes off,” I stated.


I crouched down to unzip my boots. “Shoes off.”

“Bossy.” He smirked.

“My house, my rules,” I said. “Or you can wait outside for your prospect. Your choice. But my couch has a built-in recliner.”

His blue eyes twinkled. “How’s your sound system?”

I bit my lip. “State of the art with surround sound, installed by a pro.”

“Definitely worth taking the boots off,” he said. “Am allowed to sit on the stairs?”


Bones slid past me and plunked down on the third wooden stair from the bottom and began unlacing his boot.

“Do you live alone?” I asked.


When he didn’t elaborate, I asked, “Do you live with a woman?”

“You think I’d kiss you in a club, then drive you home after today and be taking my shoes off in your house if I lived with a woman?”

“That’s a no then.”

“That’s a fuck no. That’s an I don’t fuck around like that kind of no.”

“Touchy,” I remarked.

“You just basically accused me of being a cheating pig.”

“I did no such thing,” I said in exasperation. “I asked if you lived with a woman because you said you didn’t live alone.”

“Would it bother you if I lived with a woman?”

“Uh, kind of, yeah.”

He grinned.

“Not because I’m jealous—which I’m not—but because it would most definitely make you a cheating pig.”

“You’re so jealous.”