Page 25 of Leather & Lies

Vance looked at Willa. “Now you.”

“I was finishing lunch in my car. I saw the guy approaching her. He looked nervous. Maybe a tweaker? I don’t know. When I saw what was happening, I grabbed my pistol from the glove box and like she said, I shot him twice.”

“All right. The boutique has security cameras?”

Willa nodded.

“We’ll need to see the footage to corroborate the story before you say a word to anyone. They’re going to get that video regardless, and what you say has to match what’s on it. What about Waverly and Charlie?”

“They were inside the store,” Willa said. “I don’t know what they saw.”

“Okay, I’ll speak to them,” Vance said.

I took Willa’s hand in mine, wanting to offer her some support. She’d saved my life.

“Let’s get back there,” Vance said. “The sooner we clear this up, the sooner you both can go home.”

Willa’s blue eyes were filled with concern. “Vance, I’m?—”

“I know,” he interrupted. “Just one step at a time. This could have been a lot worse. You did good.”

“Yeah?” Willa asked. “You sure?”

“I’m sure.” He gave her shoulder a squeeze. “Now we really do need to get back there. Your husband doesn’t want to let you out of his sight.”

Willa cracked a smile, but I could tell she was on the verge of tears.

Emotions were catching up to both of us now.

We kept our hands clasped like two close friends instead of what we were—near strangers who were now linked by a traumatic event.

My vision rippled, but I blinked, and I could see again. Only, when we got back to the scene a black curtain slid down over my eyes. My knees buckled, I dropped the bottle of water, and everything went dark.

Chapter 7

I woke up to a pair of electric blue eyes staring at me in obvious concern.

“What happened?” I asked, my tongue heavy.

“You fainted,” Bones said. “Vance caught you before you hit the ground.”

I turned my head and looked at the attorney. “Guess you’re my savior in more ways than one.”

“No one has ever called me a savior before,” Vance said. “I kind of like that.”

Bones whipped his gaze to Vance and glared.

Vance raised his brows.

Bones helped me sit up and handed me the bottle of water I’d dropped.

“Can we get this shit sorted?” Bones demanded. “So I can take her home.”

“You don’t have to take me home,” I announced. “I can have Charlie drive me.”

“I’m taking you home, Duchess,” Bones commanded. “Now sit there, sip on your water, and give your statement to the police.”

It took longer than I thought. There were dozens of questions and I had to repeat myself several times. Eventually, Vance had the security feed pulled and we were released from questioning.