Page 26 of Leather & Lies

“I’ll have the paperwork taken care of and be in touch,” Vance said.

Duke held out his arm to shake the attorney’s hand. “Appreciate ya.”

Vance nodded. He reached into his breast pocket and handed me his business card. “Call if you have any questions. And not a word of any of this to anyone who wasn’t here today, okay?”

Nodding, I pocketed his card.

“God, I’d kill for a drink,” Willa said, her hand covering her stomach.

“You get hot tea, a blanket, and a foot rub,” Duke said as he pulled her into his side. He looked at me. “We didn’t get a chance to officially meet.”

“No, we didn’t,” I agreed.

“I’m Duke. Willa’s husband.”

The door to the boutique opened and Savage held the door for Waverly and Charlie. Charlie had put on her clothes, but she carried a brown shopping bag.

She bee-lined to me and quickly enveloped me into a hug. “This has been a shit day.”

“Yeah,” I sighed. “It has.”

“You ready to go?” Charlie asked.

“I’m driving her,” Bones stated.

Charlie looked at Bones and then at me. “You okay with that?”

I nodded. “We can drop you off at home first.”

“I’ll take her,” Savage offered.

“On your motorcycle?” I asked.

“Yeah.” Savage looked at Charlie. “We could get a drink first. You look like you could use a drink.”

“I could,” Charlie replied. “But I really need to go with Hayden. She’s gonna want to talk about this and?—”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I insisted. “I just want to go home and go to sleep. Sleep this entire day off.”

“I’ll still come with you. I won’t say anything, I’ll just be there.”


“Excuse us a second.” She grabbed my hand and hauled me away, out of earshot. “You shouldn’t be alone. What if you have one of your episodes?”

“If I have one of my episodes, I’ll be at my house. I’ll be safe.”

“Are you having any symptoms?” she inquired.

“No.” I had fainted, but it was more from shock than anything else. I didn’t have any of the other signs that an episode was impending.

“It doesn’t feel right that I leave you alone,” she muttered.

“I just want to be by myself,” I stated.

“Are you sure?” She bit her lip in uncertainty.

“Yeah. Go have a drink with Savage.”