Page 24 of Leather & Lies

The rumble of motorcycles in the distance was a momentary distraction.

Once the nausea had passed, I stood up straight. Willa came out of the boutique wearing a blue jacket that was already zipped up to keep her neck warm. She held two bottles of water and without a word, she came to stand next to me and handed me one.

I was in the middle of taking a sip when three motorcycles roared into the parking lot.

Willa sighed. “My husband Duke is here.”

“Did you call him?”

She shook her head. “Vance—our attorney—told me no phone calls, not to anyone. Vance must’ve called him…”

Three tall men in jeans wearing heavy leather motorcycle boots and leather cuts pulled up beside us and got off their motorcycles.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I muttered.

“What?” Willa asked.

“Your husband is a biker?” I inquired.

“Yeah. Why?”

“Well, Duchess,” Bones drawled. “If you wanted to see me, all you had to do was call.”

The cops and Vance showed up within a few minutes of each other. It was pure pandemonium.

Questions were being asked, voices were being raised, and my head swam.

Bones took a step toward me and wrapped an arm around me. It took all of my willpower not to collapse against him.

“I need to speak with Willa and—” The attorney’s eyes found mine and he raised his brows.

“Hayden,” I supplied.

“Hayden,” Vance repeated with a nod.

The attorney was tall and imposing, but the cops recognized they weren’t going to get any answers until Vance had spoken to us.

I looked up at Bones, but his gaze was trained on the now covered dead body in front of the boutique. Finally, he dragged his attention to me, curiosity brewing in his eyes.

He wanted to know what happened. But he remained silent.

Vance spoke to Willa’s husband in quiet tones. The dark-haired man nodded. He looked at the third biker who’d come with him and then at Bones, and gestured with his chin to the boutique. The blond biker whose name I didn’t yet know strode inside.

“Savage will keep Waverly and Charlie company,” Bones explained, “while this whole mess gets sorted.”

I was overwhelmingly grateful for all the people that would help us navigate this insane situation.

“Hayden? Willa?” Vance asked.

I nodded.

Bones released me slowly and I immediately regretted losing his warmth. I walked with Willa and Vance to the side of the building, out of ear and eyeshot of the cops.

“What happened?” Vance asked bluntly.

I told him that I’d gone outside to take a phone call and when I’d hung up, there was a man holding a gun to me, and that his intent had been to rob me.

“And while I was about to hand over my purse, Willa shot him. Twice.”