Page 159 of Leather & Lies

Bones took my hand in his and we were silent the rest of the ride to The Rex Hotel.

Chapter 38

The Gold Ballroom was enchanting. A crystal chandelier that had once graced a European palace winked with golden rays.

I scanned the room, searching for my mother. No doubt she was looking for me as well.

“Well, hot damn,” Charlie said as she sauntered toward us, holding a glass of champagne. She turned to Bones. “You clean up good.”

Bones grinned down at her. “Glad to see a friendly face.”

“I’m not a friendly face?” I asked.

“Another friendly face,” he clarified. He held out his hand to Charlie. “Royce Dalton, pleasure to meet you.”

Charlie shook his hand and batted her eyes. “The pleasure is all mine.”

“You’re not hitting on my boyfriend, are you?” I asked.

“Boyfriend?” Charlie raised her brows. “That’s new. And I’m not hitting on him. I’m preparing him for all the divorcees and cougars who are going to swoop in and try to seduce him.”

“Hmm. Have you seen my mother?” I asked.

“Yes, she’s standing with my mother,” Charlie said. “You’ve said nothing about my dress.”

It was a red confection that hugged her curves and matched the color of her lips.

“You look stunning, as always,” I remarked. “I’m surprised you wore a gown that didn’t show off your new shoulder tattoo.”

“I thought about it,” she stated. “But then I realized it wasn’t worth the fight with my mother.”

“You’re playing nice?” I asked.

“Trying to. Come on, I want to be there when your mother meets your new boyfriend.”

I was mindful of the plug with every step. And each step kept me on the brink of arousal. By the end of the night, I was going to be a puddle of hormones and greedy demands.

I glanced at Bones who shot me a knowing smirk. I bared my teeth. He winked.

We garnered several looks as we trekked across the ballroom. People stared with avid curiosity at Bones. He wore a tux like he’d been born in one. Part of me had worried that he’d feel uncomfortable. It wasn’t like a tuxedo was his everyday wear. He wasn’t James Bond.

My mother was holding court, laughing and conversing with my stepfather and godparents. Three carat diamonds winked at her ears. Her blonde hair was still shiny and bright and hadn’t yet begun to fade due to the inevitable passage of time.

“Hayden,” she greeted, a wide smile blossoming across her delicate mouth.

“Hello, Mom.” I dropped my hand from Bones’ elbow so I could lean in and brush my cheek against my mother’s.

My stepfather enveloped me in a quick hug and then I turned to Charlie’s parents and exchanged a greeting with them.

“Mom, I’d like you to meet Royce Dalton.” I gestured to Bones and watched my mother’s eyes light up.

“Mr. Dalton.” Mom held out her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Pleasure’s all mine, Mrs. Walsh.”

“Please, call me Marilyn.” Mom dropped her hand and gestured to my stepfather. “My husband, Arnold.”

My stepfather’s gaze that had been warm moments before was suddenly cooler, but he took Bones’ offered hand.