Page 160 of Leather & Lies

“And my godparents,” I added. “Dina and Patrick Sutherland. They’re Charlie’s parents.”

“Where have you been hiding him, Hayden,” my godmother teased.

“I’m afraid that’s my fault,” Bones said with an impish smile. “From the moment I met Hayden, I’ve been doing everything in my power to monopolize her time.”

Charlie choked on a laugh.

“Are you all right, darling?” Dina asked her daughter.

“Fine,” she said. “But I’m in desperate need of another glass of champagne.”

“Royce, can I interest you in a glass of scotch?” Patrick inquired.

“Only if it’s a glass of SINNERS,” Bones quipped. “It’s all I drink when I come to The Rex.”

I raised my brows in surprise. How could Bones possibly know about the hotel owner’s unique and ultra-expensive small batch single malt scotch? I filed the question away to ask later.

“Good man,” Patrick said. “Arnold, you want to join us?”

“Sure,” my stepfather replied. “We’ll be back in a few with drinks.” He kissed my mother’s cheek and then I watched my godfather, my stepfather, and my boyfriend all head in the direction of the bar.

When they were out of ear shot, Dina said, “I’m pretty sure your boyfriend has the power to reverse menopause.”

“Dina!” I laughed.

My mother giggled. “Well, darling, based on looks alone—and how he fills out a tuxedo jacket—I think you did very well.”

“Wait until you get to know him,” Charlie said. “You’ll like him even more. Plus, he treats Hayden like a princess.”

“How did you two meet?” Mom asked.

Bones and I had agreed to stick to the closest version of the truth we could without telling outright lies that would burn us later. “We met the night I went to Chaos with Charlie.”

“And it was lust—I mean love at first sight?” Dina joked.

“Lust,” Charlie stated. “Definitely lust.”

“Charlie,” I warned.

She held up her hands.

“That sounds like a good story,” my mother pressed.

“That’s basically it. We met at Chaos and then he pursued me until I finally gave in.”

“Hoops. There were so many hoops,” Charlie added.

I glared at her.

“Oh stop, you know there were hoops,” she stated.

“Hoops are good,” Mom said. “Hoop jumping proves that he wants to be with you. That you’re not just a conquest.”

“Nothing wrong with being a conquest,” Dina murmured, staring off in the direction of the bar.

“Stop ogling my boyfriend,” I said with a laugh.

“Darling, it’s impossible to do that,” Mom said. “He’s so…so…”