Page 175 of Leather & Lies

“Arnold was with him. He was the only one with him. Oh my God, what if he…”

The room fell silent as my words lingered in the air.

Arnold killed my father.

And now he’s trying to kill me, too.

“That’s some heavy shit. So, what’s the plan?” Zip asked. “You’ve got a plan, right?”

Bones nodded slowly.

My hands went cold. “You can’t, Bones. You can’t do it. I won’t let you endanger yourself.”

He looked at me and raised his brows. “I can’t do what?”

“You can’t kill him,” I blurted out.

Bones smirked. “I wasn’t planning on killing him.”

“Oh?” My brow furrowed. “Then what’s your plan?”

“To marry you,” he said. He might as well have been talking about a dentist appointment for all the emotion he delivered with that loaded statement.

“Get a new plan!” I commanded.

“Don’t want to,” Bones stated.

“You can’t marry me,” I protested.

“It could work,” Colt said. “It protects you, Hayden. It’s an immediate solution until you have time to invoke a new trust. If you delay, it could be the end of you.”

I shot a glare at Colt. “Do not encourage this crazy idea.”

“It makes sense actually,” Zip added. “Marry Hayden, and she gets control of her board seat immediately. If her stepfather is in fact trying to kill her, he’ll then have to come after both of you, which puts him in a bind and would draw attention to him. And it stops him from fucking up the company. Gives you some time to sort things out on paper.”

“And it’ll make Hayden your Old Lady,” Colt said to Bones. “So she’ll be one of us, officially.”

Hysteria rose in my chest and clawed its way up my throat, but I forced it down. “What does that have to do with anything?”

“If you’re part of the club, it’s another layer of protection. If anyone fucks with you, we fuck with them.” Bones’ grin was feral.

“We can’t get married,” I stated again.

“Why not?” Bones asked. “Your family was taking bets on when that would happen anyway.”

“That’s not enough of a reason.”

“Your mom wants grandbabies.” Bones shrugged. “I’m happy to oblige.”

“Oh, are you?” I screeched.

Zip let out a laugh.

I glared at him. “You mind giving us some privacy?”

“I mind,” Zip said. “We’re not leaving this room until you cooperate.”

“Cooperate?” I seethed.