Page 176 of Leather & Lies

Bones pushed away from the door and came to me. He grasped my hip and turned me around to face him. He cradled my face in his hands and forced me to look up at him.

His thumb swiped across my lips. “Trust me, Duchess.”

“But I can’t just…we can’t.”

“We can,” he insisted. “We will. You love me.”

“Love doesn’t have to mean marriage.”

“Argue all you want,” he said. “But you know this is the only way. Let me protect you, Duchess. Let me protect what your father built for you.”

His words lanced my heart and I let out a breathy sigh. His eyes were earnest, his touch was firm, and I bent to his edict like an aspen tree bending in a storm.

“This is crazy,” I whispered.

“But it’s right. You know it’s right.”

I stared at him, this man who wanted to protect me and bind his life to mine. And even though it was insane, my heart eased. I would not have to do this alone.

“All right, Bones. I’ll marry you.”

He kissed me softly and then pulled back, refusing to take his eyes off me.

“We can leave now and let you guys consummate right here on this desk if you want,” Zip offered.

“Not on my desk,” Colt growled.

I hid my face against Bones’ chest.

Holy hell. I’m engaged.

“We have to iron some things out though,” I stated.

“Sure,” Bones agreed.

“Legal things,” I stated.

“Prenup. I get it,” Bones said. “You’re an heiress. You have a lot of money. I don’t hold that against you.”

“Thanks,” I drawled. “A blanket prenup can be drawn up and finished in a day. So far as protecting the company…that’s going to take some time. Right now, as crazy at this sounds, you guys are going to have to keep me alive.”

“We will. But the sooner you get married, the better off you’ll be,” Colt said.

“I’ll call Vance’s emergency number in a few hours,” Bones said. “What about you, Duchess? You got a lawyer on retainer?”

I snorted. “Of course. But not for something like this. I need someone I can trust, and I know someone I can call to get the name of someone like that.”

“Your mother,” Bones said.

“Not my mother.” I sighed.

Bones looked at Colt. “We done?”

“For now,” Colt said.

Bones took my hand and pulled me from the room. My feet dragged as we headed up the stairs. I was both wired and exhausted.

My brain wasn’t functioning. What was I supposed to tackle first? The thought that my stepfather—my father’s business partner and supposed best friend—was behind his death and the attempts on my life? Or the fact that I was about to marry a biker?