Page 171 of Leather & Lies

“One point two billion dollars. That’s public knowledge, and I thought you already knew that.”

“How would I know that? You didn’t tell me you were the Spencer, of Spencer Pharmaceuticals.”

“Okay, maybe I should’ve told you about my father’s company, but I didn’t because I have no interest in taking a seat on the board.”

“Even if you don’t take the seat on the board, you’re still worth over five hundred million dollars.”

“And why do you think I’ve kept you at arm’s length for as long as possible? Hm? You don’t know what it’s like having this much money. People will do anything to get it.”

“Hayden, I’m not that guy. I don’t care that you have money. Honestly it would be easier if you didn’t. But our worlds don’t have to be the same for me to love you.”

“I grew up how I grew up. There’s nothing wrong with that,” I said.

“I didn’t say there was. And I didn’t grow up poor. I grew up…normal.”

“Okay, normal.”

“And this isn’t even what I was getting at.” He sighed, his hand plowing through my loose waves.

“Then what are you getting at?”

“When you were in the bathroom and I was waiting for you, Tyler found me and we had a talk.”

“Tyler? He talked to you? About what?”

“Actually, it wasn’t so much a talk as it was a statement. He told me it looks like Arnold hasn’t sat me down yet and told me how it’s going to be. When I asked what the fuck that meant, he said Arnold spoke with him a few weeks after your father’s funeral. Arnold told Tyler there was no way in hell he’d let him marry you. That he might as well give up then because he wasn’t getting his hands on your money or your company. Hayden, your stepfather—before he was even married to your mother—all but threatened Tyler into dumping you. If he didn’t, he was going to destroy Tyler and everything he was working for.”

I blinked. “Wait, are you telling me?—”

“That Tyler didn’t dump you because he wanted to. He was made to dump you. Your stepfather was directly responsible for that.”

I shook my head. “But why would he do that? And why wouldn’t Tyler tell me?”

“To protect you, I’m sure. You said Tyler was only twenty-three when you broke up. He was young enough to be swayed then. But he’s never gotten over you. He’s still in love with you.”

“How do you know that?” I demanded.

“Because he told me that was why he was at the gala—to win you back.”

My head was reeling. “Win me back?”

“That’s what he said. He wasn’t expecting me to be there, though. He planned on leaving after he saw us together, but before he did, he sought me out to warn me about what I was getting into.”

“Bones, I don’t love him. I love you.”

“I know.”

“All this time,” I murmured. “I thought Tyler didn’t have a spine. I had no idea… And what the hell was Arnold thinking? Ruining my relationship on the heels of me losing my father? What the hell?”

“I can’t believe I’m even saying this, but Tyler actually seems like a decent guy. He saw me with you and didn’t try to break us up just so he might have another chance with you.”

“I don’t want Tyler,” I insisted. “Even knowing what I know. I want you.”

Bones cracked a smile. “I know that too. Are you gonna be okay?”

“I will be, but when we see Arnold tomorrow night, I’m ripping him a new one.”

I wasn’t sure what had startled me awake, but my heart jumped into my throat and my eyes opened.