Page 172 of Leather & Lies

Something’s wrong.

Bones curled his hand around my hip, as if he was silently telling me not to move.

A noise in the room had the hairs on the back of my neck standing up, and just as I was about to ask Bones what was going on, the sound of his pistol going off rang in my ears. A flash of light from the gunshot illuminated a man in all black wearing a ski mask.

He scuffled in the darkness and ran off down the hallway into the night.

“Stay here,” Bones commanded as he jumped from the bed with his pistol still in hand and sprinted from the room.

I flipped the bedside light on and curled my legs up to my chest as my eyes scanned the room. Drops of blood were on the wooden floor at the threshold of the door. Bones had wounded the intruder.

I lived in a high-end, safe neighborhood, and I had a professional security system. How had this happened?

I was still naked, and I felt exposed. I got out of bed and quickly threw on a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt while I waited for Bones to return.

He came back to the bedroom, a scowl marring his handsome face. Bones marched over to the nightstand and grabbed his phone. He quickly unlocked his cell and pressed a button. He put the phone to his ear and waited. “I’m at Hayden’s. Someone just broke into the house…yeah, we’re okay.” He paused for a moment while someone on the other end of the line spoke. “No signs of forced entry so far as I can see. Security system didn’t even go off.” He paused again. “Wounded, but he’s gone. I didn’t want to leave Hayden so I’m back in the room with her. We’re safe. Right. See ya.”

He hung up. “Pack a bag.” When I didn’t move, he barked, “Hayden, pack a bag. We’re not staying here anymore.”

I jumped off the side of the bed and grabbed my jewelry. I went to the walk-in closet and unlocked the hidden jeweler’s safe behind one of the drawers in my custom-built closet.

“Bones,” I called out, my voice hoarse.


“Bones, I—we set the alarm.”

He appeared in the doorway of the walk-in closet as I put the jewelry inside and locked the safe.

“We set the alarm before we went to bed,” I repeated. “That means?—”

“I know, Duchess.”

I swallowed. “Then you think—this wasn’t?—”

He stalked toward me and grasped my cheeks in his hands. “Pack your bag, Duchess. We’ll talk at the clubhouse.”

“The clubhouse? We need to call the police first and tell?—”

“No. No police. We’re going to the clubhouse and staying where I can protect you.”

I closed the drawer over the safe, hiding it from sight and then ran my hands up and down my arms which were covered by my old, faded sweatshirt. “I don’t need to pack a bag. I have a bag of clothes already in your room.”

“Right. Then let me get dressed and let’s get out of here.”

“Who did you call?”

“Colt. He’s sending a few guys to come clean up.”

I swallowed. “There’s not much to clean up. I mean there’s a little…blood. But no broken glass or anything.”

He didn’t reply as he came further into the closet to the drawer with his clothes. He pulled out a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved black shirt. “I didn’t think to bring a pair of spare motorcycle boots. I’m gonna have to wear my dress shoes.”

I grabbed my fluffy, comfortable boots and took them to the bed. My hands shook as I put them on.

“Hey…” Bones crouched in front of me and grasped my cold hands, holding them in his. “You’re okay.”

“I’m okay.” I nodded. “Because of you.”