As soon as Jo was alone, she pulled her phone from her pocket and called Delia.

“Hey! How are things going?”

“I’m… I’m going to need more time in Wishing Well once the article is finished.”

“More time? What do you mean by more time? Once Serenity is married, you don’t need to stay.”

Jo caught her bottom lip in her teeth and palmed her forehead. She didn’t want to divulge to Delia that Wishing Well was her hometown. It was silly because Delia wouldn’t care as long as it didn’t interfere with getting the article written. “The reason I didn’t really want to come to Wishing Well was because I’m from here.”

“Wait. You grew up in Wishing Well?”


“Why didn’t you tell me?” her boss asked.

Dropping her hand from her forehead, Jo looked upward and exhaled. “I don’t know. I didn’t want to get into why I didn’t want to return, but now that I’m here, I’m going to need some vacation time after the article is written. My grandma needs my help.”

“Uh, okay. How much time are we talking?

Jo rolled her eyes. More articles. “I don’t know. Long enough to help her with her house. Hopefully, not too long. I’ll be as quick as I can.”

“Well, good. Apparently, Serenity is so impressed with you that she’s already telling her friends, and they’re telling their friends. I’ve got a dozen requests already.”

“A dozen?”

“It seems you’re going to be quite busy when you get back.”

“But Delia, you said after this article…”

“I know, and I’ve given it some thought. How about you hand in a few photographs to go with your write-up? We’ll see how well readers respond to them.”

A gasp rushed from Jo. “Really?”

“I know how much you love taking pictures. As long as they’re up to the standard of Eternal Vows magazine, we’ll print them.”

“Thank you, Delia, thank you. You don’t know what this means to me.” Elation laced the words. “I can’t thank you enough.”

“Well, stop. I’ve got work to do.” Delia laughed. “I’ll have Bridget call you and get your calendar worked out, okay.” Papers rustled in the background. “I’ll see you when you get back.”

“Okay, b?—”

The line went dead.

Work on her calendar? Jo closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. Sometimes, she wondered why she even had a camera. She barely got to use it anymore.

Her phone rang, and she answered it.

“Hey, Jo,” Bridget said.

“Hi, Bridget.”

“I know you just talked to Delia, and we need to go over your calendar, but first, how are you doing?”

Jo repeated what she’d told Delia, adding information about her grandma’s house and Craig’s visit.

“I can’t believe he showed up. What are the odds that he’d be in Wishing Well at the same time you did?”

Scoffing, Jo strode to her room and looked for a hair tie. If she was helping Jack today, she’d need her hair off her neck to keep herself cool. “I’m sure someone told him. He probably thinks I can talk Grandma into selling the house. It’s not going to happen. Jack and I?—”