“Wait, Jack? Who’s Jack?”

Jo winced. Crud. “Um, he’s the guy fixing the house. Grandma hired him before I got here.”


Jo could practically see the wheels of her brain turning. An interrogation was incoming.

“Did you know Jack prior to your grandma hiring him?”

“Um, nope.” She knew of him which wasn’t the same as knowing him.

“Jo.” Bridget’s tone lowered. “You are a terrible liar, and if you’re lying about him, that must mean there’s something there.”

With a heavy sigh, Jo worked her jaw. If she didn’t come clean, Bridget would never let it go. “He was a senior the year I was a junior. He was super popular, the quarterback. We didn’t run in the same circles, and we rarely spoke. The only time we had any contact was when I took photos for the yearbook. Even then, when we communicated, it was say cheese.”

“Is he cute?”

“He’s…” She couldn’t even bring herself to try and lie about that. “He’s gorgeous. Maybe even more so. Sweet, kind, generous.” She put her phone on the speaker and worked to pull her hair up. “He hasn’t changed.”

“Oh…” Her voice took on a playful lilt.

“There’s no ooohhh or ahhh. He’s just a nice guy, helping my grandma with the house. I’m not even close to being in his league, and even if I was, I’m not staying in Wishing Well. There’s no point in even thinking about it.”

“You were saying you wanted a change…”

“Wanting a change isn’t the same thing as picking up my life in New York and moving back to Texas. I’m doing the article, helping my grandma, and then I’ll be back.”

“If you say so.”

“I say so.” Jo finished putting her hair up, grabbed her phone, and took it off speaker.

“Okay, fine. So, your calendar.” She sighed. “Did she tell you that you’re booked for the foreseeable future? Serenity Harper must really love you.”

A smile teased Jo’s lips. She’d work with some serious bridezillas, and so far, Serenity wasn’t even close to that. “Yeah, and I like her too. She’s super sweet.” She quickly added, “Delia says she wants me to take photos to go with the article.”

They squealed together as Jo jumped up and down. “Can you believe it?” Jo asked.

“Honestly, no, but I think it’s wonderful. You have a great eye, and once she sees your photos, there’s no way she won’t print them. I’m so happy for you.”

“Maybe this means she’ll actually let you write too.”

Bridget snorted. “Yeah, I’ll believe that when I see it.”

“Hey, don’t give up hope.” The pounding of a hammer against wood sounded through the house. “Uh, Bridget, I really need to run. Maybe we can talk later tonight?”

“Okay, but Delia will kill me if we don’t get this worked out. She wants it on her desk ASAP.”

“I promise we’ll get it worked out.” Jo sighed. “All right, I need to go. I’ll talk to you later?”

“You bet you will. Tonight. The faster I get your schedule to Delia, the less chance she’ll fire me.”

They talked for a few more minutes and then said their goodbyes.

Jo took one second longer and looked at herself in the mirror. It was time to get to work. She just hoped she could get everything done that she needed to. If not, it wasn’t only her grandma who would have problems.

