“Duty calls…” she murmured, reaching up to touch his lips. “We’ll finish this later, husband.”
“Yeah, we will.”
* * *
Ten years later…
The ear-piercing shriek came from inside the house, and Eris winced. Charlotte and Zane fought like cats and dogs sometimes, while other moments they were just as easygoing as could be.
This wasn’t one of those moments.
Zane stormed out into the yard and gave everyone a grim stare that prompted Colton to move quickly. He grabbed the mouthy teenager by the shoulder, stopping him mid-stride, immediately prompting a comment from nearby.
“You see that, Ollie?” Justin began. “I better never see you give your mama a look like that, boy. Mr. Fischer is a whole lot nicer than I am because I will tear your…”
“Eh-hem,” Maya said loudly from nearby, causing Eris to look over her shoulder at the other woman, who winked and grinned before waving her fingers. “Let’s keep this family-friendly.”
Oh yes, time had passed and there had been a staggering number of changes over the years. Births, new homes, new positions, reunions, and so much more, including what had to be a minor psychotic break. What had they been thinking to buy Zane a drum set for Christmas?
She mused silently, trying not to laugh at the thought that suddenly struck her. Colton’s pride and joy, Zane, was nodding and murmuring ‘Yes, sir’… as Charlotte came running out the front door, plopping down in her lap where she was sitting in a lawn chair.
“Mama, Zane hit me with a drumstick.”
“What were you doing?”
“Why do I have to be doing something?”
“Fine. I was going to put them in the trash, and he got mad, started yelling at me, and…”
“Charlotte, this means a lot to your brother – which is why we are going to sit out here and listen to him give us a concert before going inside to take some ibuprofen.”
“I brought the extra strength stuff, Eris,” Justin volunteered, touching her shoulder from where he sat behind her.
“You got this, little man!” Lance cheered, standing up and clapping wildly before whistling. “Do it just like I showed you!”
“Where’s Alec…?”
“I’m sorry, man…” Alec came running past them.
Lance took his position up front in the garage beside where her son was setting up. The firefighter had a guitar bouncing wildly across his shoulder as he moved to hurry and plug it in, looking at Zane. “You ready?”
“I’ve got this,” Zane grinned… and Eris felt tears of pride sting her eyes as she stared at him. He looked so much like Colton sometimes – and she wished he’d get a haircut. He was in a phase, letting his hair grow out, wearing black, and talking back, but they were letting him ‘find himself’ – no matter how painful it was.
Charlotte sighed, and before she could say anything, Lance began strumming the electric guitar. The melody was easily recognizable, and her mouth dropped open in shock.
“Oh heck, yeahhhhh…” Justin yelped, getting to his feet.
“My man! Nirvana?! Seriously?” Alec grinned – and physically climbed over Chief Carpenter where he was sitting to high-five Eris, Charlotte, and Colton – as he began shaking his head to the beat of the music and then hopping up in the air excitedly, dancing.
“I wanna dance with Uncle Alec,” Charlotte hurried – and was suddenly dancing with the other man as Eris watched, stunned at the performance. She looked at Colton, who was grinning proudly, watching Zane.
Lance was grinning easily from beside the cheap drum set they’d bought Zane for Christmas, watching him play, and everyone started singing the words to the old song, ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ – and her son?
Zane was in his element.