“Hey Beautiful…” he whispered, sitting up slightly and holding out his arms toward her, helping her down onto the blanket to join them. She just melted against him because he was always doing sweet little things and reaching for her.

He curled on his side, spooning her between the baby and Zane, treating them all like they were the most precious things in the world to him and she loved it.

“Hey there, little man,” she smiled softly at Zane. “Are you singing with Charlotte?”

“We’re trying to,” he chuckled, nodding and holding out a finger so Charlotte could grasp it. The little girl just adored Zane and was always looking toward him with such large inquisitive eyes.

“Is that your brother?” Eris whispered and saw Charlotte swing her head, wobbling slightly, as she gave them the briefest gummy smile before cooing again.

“She’s talking to us,” Colton whispered tenderly against Eris’s ear. “Aren’t the two of them beautiful?”

“Very,” she chuckled, knowing where his mind was going already – only to have Charlotte coo loudly once more.

“You think she’s telling off Daddy?” she asked playfully, seeing Zane’s smile right before he started giggling.

“Hey, now that’s not nice,” Colton protested, but it fell on deaf ears as she felt his hand caressing her rear.

“You behave back there,” she warned, chuckling. “Watch those hands.”

“Oh, I’m watching them…” he laughed softly. “Let’s go for baby number three, Eris. I want to do this all over again.”

“You’re incorrigible. Zane, tell your daddy to behave…”

“Daddy, you better be good or no cookies after dinner,” Zane said with a frown, shaking his finger at him… only to hear Charlotte let out a loud laugh before she cooed again. “Charlotte said the same thing.”

“Okay, okay,” Colton agreed. “I know when I’m outnumbered…”

She looked over her shoulder and saw his smile as his eyes dropped to her lips. Oh yes, she knew exactly what was on his mind and turned slightly to face him.

“How about we order pizza for dinner and go take Zane to the park for a little while?”

“Wear the kids out?”

“You know it…”

“We’re going to the park?” Zane exclaimed happily. “I’ll be right back! I’mma getting my things.”

The moment Zane left the room, Colton’s eyes met hers again.


“Hi yourself…”

“So we are going to wear out the kids and put them to bed early… but I’m supposed to behave?” he whispered suggestively, leaning forward to kiss her.

“What’s a girl supposed to do when the man she loves has roaming hands and makes the most beautiful babies in the world?”

“Well,” Colton began, puffing up his chest and trying his best to look macho. “You should endeavor to let him make those babies and quit telling him ‘no’ all the time. I mean, can you just imagine?”

She smiled at him lovingly and touched his cheek, caressing his beloved face and admiring his smile. There was such power, such intimacy, such yearning in his gaze that it was humbling, and she was so blissfully happy they had taken a chance at beginning again.

“I can, my love,” she breathed. “I honestly can see it all in your eyes.”

“Oh man, Eris,” he began, his voice emotional – and all the other comments, quips, or words were silenced as he turned into her, cradling her body beneath his, as he kissed her deeply there in the living room.

“Ughhh, Daddyyyy…” Zane groaned from nearby. “Let Mama breathe, and we’re going to the park, remember?”

“Oh yeah,” Colton grinned intimately at her.