Spike knew he would be finding glitter in places that glitter wasn’t meant to be for days.

So the Little brat was going to pay for that.

He stepped quietly into the bathroom.

Was she . . . singing to herself?

He rolled his eyes. She could at least act a bit concerned. Or like she was trying to hide.

“What are you singing?” he asked.

She screamed and put her hands over her chest, glaring up at him. “Daddy! You scared me.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Did I?”

“Yes. You should apologize when you scare someone. I might have peed myself.”

“Just as well you’re in the bath, then. Makes it easier to clean you up.”

She put her hands over her face. “I can’t believe you said that.”

“And I can’t believe that you gave me a glitter bomb.”

“Actually, it was a glitter bomb invitation.” She moved her hands from her face. “Did you read it?”

“No, brat. I didn’t read it. I was too busy chasing after your naughty bottom.”

“Rude. Anyone would think you didn’t appreciate my glitter bomb invitation.”

“If that anyone is you, then yes, you should think that. I’m going to be finding glitter for days.”

“Oh, yeah. You really shouldn’t have run through the house like that, Daddy.” She wiggled a finger at him. “You’re going to have to clean that all up.”

“Won’t be me cleaning it up,” he told her.

“Well. I don’t think Mr. Fluffy will do a very good job.”

“Mr. Fluffy?” he asked.

“Um, yeah. He doesn’t have any thumbs. Makes it hard for him to work a vacuum or a broom.”

“Right. Because that’s the reason that he won’t clean it up . . . his lack of thumbs.”

“You really shouldn’t mention that to him, though. I don’t want his feelings to be hurt. Like when the vet called him f-a-t,” she whispered the last three letters.

As though she thought the damn dog could hear her.

Or spell.

Although there was no doubt that Mr. Fluffy knew the word sausage.

And diet. The look that he’d given Spike when he’d mentioned putting him on a diet . . .

Yeah, Spike had slept with one eye open that night. He shouldn’t have worried, though. Mr. Fluffy was too lazy to seek revenge.

Although a few days later he found a half-eaten sausage in his boot. It had definitely felt like a threat.

“You’ll be the one cleaning it all up,” he told her. “Just like you’re going to help clean me up.”