A squeal of shock escaped her as she turned on her heel, racing off toward the stairs. Laughing, she ran up them.

“Don’t run up the stairs!” he barked.

Millie rolled her eyes. He was the one who’d told her to run. What did he expect her to do?

She looked over her shoulder, thinking he’d be close behind her. After all, she wasn’t a very fast runner. In fact, she didn’t really like to run at all. Her boobs had a mind of their own. They were always popping out of her bra and going rogue when she attempted to run.

Frankly, it just wasn’t worth it.

Unless there was a sale on dinosaurs.

Or cupcakes.

Or when your Daddy told you to run.

After all, Millie always did what she was told.

But Spike wasn’t chasing after her. Instead, he just stood at the bottom of the stairs in all his glittery glory, his hands on his hips, glaring up at her.

“Watch where you’re going!”

“Daddy, if you’re gonna order me to run, then you can’t tell me how to run!”

“Course I can. I’m your Daddy.”

Hmm. Well, she couldn’t really argue with that logic. When she made it to the top of the stairs safely, she heard him coming up behind her.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Letting out another cry, her heart racing, she ran down the hallway to the bathroom.

She wasn’t entirely sure why he was chasing her. Only that it was fun and exhilarating.

But where was she going to hide? She headed into the bathroom and climbed into the bath, lying down. It was the perfect hiding place.

He would never find her.

She was hiding in the bath.

Millie always hid in the bath. When they were playing hide and seek. Or she’d done something naughty. Or if she just needed a few minutes to think.

She didn’t even bother filling it up with water for her thinking time. She’d just lay down in it.

Apparently, it helped give her inspiration.

His girl was a nut.

And he fucking loved her.

Spike didn’t know what he’d do without her. And he never intended to find out.

Sometimes he worried about losing her like he’d lost Jacqui, his first wife. She’d died during a carjacking and for a long time he’d blamed himself for not protecting her. Then Millie came along and taught him that there was more to life than existing that he’d started to forgive himself.

His girl ate up life. She lived every day like it was precious. As though she couldn’t stand to waste it.

And she made him so happy.

Even when she made some sort of exploding glitter bomb and tricked him into opening it.