“Eggs, of course. Daddy, have you already forgotten what today is?” She shook her head slowly. “Poor Daddy, losing his memory.”

“I haven’t forgotten what today is. I didn’t realize you needed hunting abilities to find Easter eggs.”

“Um, then why would it be called an Easter egg hunt if you didn’t have to hunt?”

Silly Daddy.

“Yes. I suppose you’re right.”

“I usually am, Daddy,” she replied as he had her sit on the bed so he could crouch in front of her to remove her shoes.

“How is a nap going to be detrimental to your hunting abilities?” he asked.

“It’s quite simple, Daddy. Because it will make me all sluggish and sleepy and then I won’t be able to run as fast or sniff out those eggs. Now do you understand?”

“I do. But I can tell you that your nap won’t hold you back.”

He helped her lay down on her bed and pulled a blanket over her.

She yawned as he handed her Chompers. “How do you know, Daddy?”

“Because you won’t be running around. You’ll be walking. And then you won’t miss any eggs. Will you?”

“That sounds like Daddy logic.” She eyed him suspiciously.

“Well, I am a Daddy.”

“Yeah, you’re a tricky one.” She waggled a finger at him. “I’m watching you.”

Spike picked up her pacifier and placed it in her mouth. “I’ll be back soon. Take a nap like a good girl.”

Pfft. Millie was always a good girl.

Where the heck was Spike?

Worry filled her as she checked her watch. People were due to arrive in just less than an hour and Spike wasn’t here yet. Nor were several of her special guests.

Shoot. She should have insisted that they fly into Billings yesterday. But Reverend Pat had wanted to attend the Easter Sunday service in Nowhere. He was no longer an active minister, but he still liked to help the new minister with his duties.

And by ‘help’ she meant that he liked to lecture him on the correct way to do things.

That’s why she’d decided to have her hunt on Monday instead of Easter Sunday. Her friends were staying for a whole week, much to Spike and Mr. Fluffy’s horror.

But they’d deal. For her, there wasn’t much they wouldn’t do.

Millie checked her phone again to see if there had been a delay in the flight coming in. But no, it said it landed forty minutes ago which should have given him plenty of time to get here.

Although she knew that getting her friends to do something was like herding cats. So perhaps Spike was just having trouble getting them all into his car.

Yep. That was it. That’s all that was wrong.

Nothing else.

It couldn’t be anything else.

They might have gone to the lawnmower store again. Mr. Spain could be awfully persuasive.

Except . . . why wasn’t Spike answering his phone?