Yep. Everything looked amazing.

Including her, if she did say so herself.

She had on a pale blue dress with Easter eggs stitched along the hem. A pink belt cinched it around her waist. And she’d made her own Easter-themed headband. It had flowers with a little rabbit peeking out. She’d made one for each of her friends too. They were in their baskets.

After being shot, she wasn’t sure that she’d be able to make her own clothes and accessories again. But Spike had hired the best people he could find to help with her rehabilitation. While she had to be careful not to push herself too hard, she was so grateful that she could still create things.

“Baby doll.”

Turning, she smiled at Spike. “Well, Daddy? What do you think? Doesn’t it look awesome? Or should that be eggsome?”

He glanced around. “You’ve done a great job, baby.”

She smiled with delight. “Thanks, Daddy! Are you ready to go pick up Reverend Pat and the others?” She’d finally convinced her friends from Nowhere to start flying here instead of driving all the way. And they’d actually listened this time. Probably due to the fact that Andrey was the only one who hadn’t lost his license yet and no one trusted him to stay on the right side of the road. Or use his brakes.

Reverend Pat had been driving a few months ago and had run off the road. Millie had been terrified after she’d found out that he’d passed out at the wheel. He was all right now, but he was on medication to help with his heart. She still worried about him and the others. They were all getting older and she lived so far away from them.

However, she knew that she could visit whenever she liked and that they were being looked after.

She just hated to think of the day that something might happen to them.

Don’t think about it right now.

Appreciate them while you have them.


“And you’ll come straight back? Don’t let Mr. Spain talk you into going to the lawnmower shop again.”

That had happened once when Spike was meant to be taking them to the grocery store. They’d been gone for four hours, and by the time they got home, Spike had been the one with the migraine.

Who knew there was so much to look at in a lawnmower store?

“We’re coming straight here. Trust me,” Spike said grimly.

“Goody! I’m so excited! Everyone will be here in about three hours. Okay?”

“Which means you have time for a rest,” Spike said firmly.

“What? No. I don’t need to rest.”

“Yes, you do. Or you’re gonna get too excited and run out of energy before anyone even gets here.”

“That won’t happen, Daddy! And I’ve got too much to do!”

Spike raised his eyebrows, glancing around. “Like what?”

“Um, well, I’ve got to . . . um . . . I have to . . . well . . . I don’t know.”

“Right. Which means that you can come and lie down while I go and get your friends. Come on.” He took hold of her hand and led her inside, then up the stairs.

“Daddy, I really think that a nap will be detrimental to my hunting abilities.”

“Your hunting abilities,” he repeated slowly.


“What are you hunting?” he asked as he reached her playroom.