She loved her playroom.

Spike laid her down on the bed, then gave her Chompers.

“Chompers! Where did you come from?” she asked.

“Just appeared out of thin air,” Spike told her.

She sighed and hugged her toy dinosaur tight. “Always knew you was magic. You know any fairies?”

“I know lots of fairies, magnificent, marvelous Millie,” she replied in Chompers voice.

“Magnificent, marvelous Millie, huh?” Spike asked.

“That’s my name, Daddy. You should start using it,” she replied tiredly.

Spike snorted as he walked over to the closet, returning with a dinosaur onesie. This onesie even had a hood with a dinosaur face on it.

Millie didn’t even try to help as he undressed her. He gave her a worried look, but she smiled up at him.

“Just tired, Daddy.”

“Okay, baby doll. Your job today is just to rest, then. Let Daddy take care of you.”

“Daddy always takes good care of Millie the Magnificent,” she replied.

“Are you just trying out names to see what you like best?” he asked as he finished putting the onesie on her.


“My vote is the second one,” he told her.

“Has a nice ring to it,” she agreed as she attempted to sit up.

“Uh-uh.” He placed a hand gently, but firmly on her chest. “Thought we agreed that Daddy is taking care of you today.”

“I can’ts sit up?”


Huh. Okay. She didn’t have the energy to argue. And why would she want to?

“I’m going to put you in your pod while I get you some food and a bottle, all right?”

She wrinkled her nose. “No food.”

“Yes, food.”

“No bottle.”

Spike gave her a firm look, his hands on his hips. “Are you just arguing for the sake of it?”

“I wouldn’t do that, Daddy. Millie the Miraculous doesn’t be naughty.”

“That one wasn’t as good,” he told her.

“Yeah, I could sense it sucked.”

Lifting her, he placed her in her pod. Well, that’s what they called it. It was this large round seat that sort of sucked you into it. It was green and the back of it had a dinosaur head on the top of it.