When she sat in it, it surrounded her, supporting her.

Also, she couldn’t really get out of it on her own. Not without a lot of huffing and puffing and a fair amount of humiliation thrown in.

Spike made sure she had Chompers, then he grabbed her dinosaur pacifier. She opened her mouth and he popped it in.


Millie wrinkled her nose. How rude. She was not a dog. She was a dinosaur-fairy-loving Little.

Stay. Pfft.

Although to be fair, she did stay. He returned shortly after with a sandwich and a bottle with some pink water in it.

Fairy juice! Yes!

Daddy was so good to her. Spike placed the plate and bottle down, then sat in front of her.

He drew the pacifier from her mouth.

“Fairy juice! Yummy!”

“You have to eat some food first,” he told her sternly.

“No food.” She pouted.

“Millie the Naughty is going to do as she is told,” Spike warned.

“Um, Daddy, that isn’t right. You need to use M words.”

“Couldn’t think of one,” he muttered.

“Yeah, it’s tough when you aren’t as magnificent as me,” she agreed. “Maybe one day you’ll be this good, Daddy. If you practice.”

“One can only hope,” he agreed solemnly.

Indeed. One could.

“You’re still eating your sandwich first,” he said sternly. “Cheese and mayo.”

Millie let out a long-suffering sigh. “Fine. If I must.”

He held a piece up to her mouth and she took a bite, chewing slowly. After a few bites, she had to admit that she felt a bit better. The nausea in her stomach eased and a small surge of energy filled her.

But she wouldn’t tell him that. You should never tell a Daddy that he was right. It set a bad precedent.

Then he’d start to think that he was always right. And that just wasn’t a good idea for a Little. Not if they wanted to save their bottoms.

When the sandwich was gone, Spike held up the bottle for her. Millie grabbed hold, drinking down some fairy juice.

She could feel the magic already. Spike disappeared with the plate and when he returned he had her medicine.

Removing the bottle from her mouth, she took the pills without protesting.

“Good girl,” he praised her.

Well, of course she was. She was always a good girl.

“What would you like to do? It should be something quiet and restful.”