I couldn’t stop crying when I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a fairytale princess. It’s corny, I know, for a woman my age. Thirty-two and bawling like a teenager.
But you’ve got to understand, my first wedding wasn’t anything like I wanted. Paul’s mother vetoed almost every idea I had so that, in the end, it was more her wedding than mine. She even wanted to have the first dance with her son since she was the first woman in his life. Mom had to step in then because she’d seen me concede once too often for her liking.
And then my little flower girls came into the room looking adorable in their pastel-colored dresses, each in their own favorite color but made the same way. I had to redo my makeup twice because I kept crying with joy.
Until I walked down the garden path that had been strewn with flowers, I didn’t think it was going to happen. I kept telling myself that something was going to happen to mess this up. Even Justice was holding his breath until we both said, ‘I do.’
‘Pop the champagne bitch!’ I was in a daze for a good few minutes after, and it only got worse when he took me inside and into a room to introduce me to his grandparents, who had been at the wedding.
“Did you enjoy your wedding, dear? My grandson didn’t let me have a say in anything.”
“That’s because Grandma, your idea of a garden wedding would’ve been a full orchestra, shit hanging off every surface and….”
“Watch your language, you ingrate.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Now, let me have a proper look at you.” She took my hands in hers and spread them in that way people do when they’re looking you over. I was more nervous now than I was walking down the aisle.
She just nodded her head and smiled. “Gentlemen, I’d like to have a word with my granddaughter-in-law alone. You two stay here; we’ll meet you back here.” Oh boy, here it comes. I didn’t know where she was taking me, but I didn’t expect to end up in the smoking room in front of the portrait of Marcus’ mother.
“This is Marcus’ mom. She’s the only other woman, other than myself, that he ever loved. And now you are one of us. Rest assured that my grandson would never have brought you here had he not truly been in love with you.”
“What do you mean? Isn’t this his home?”
“One of them. But this is where he grew up with his mother and father. He hasn’t stepped foot in this place in fifteen years. And now you and your daughters, my new great-granddaughters, will help bring life back to this place.”
She seemed to get lost in thought and I could feel the sadness coming from her. I hate these situations. I’d only met the woman five minutes ago, but I wanted to hug her and comfort her. Thankfully, she pulled herself together, and I was able to release my breath.
“Anyway, enough of that.” She was starting to tear up as she took my hand and turned to the portrait. “Rosalind, this is your new daughter. Isn’t she lovely? We had a beautiful wedding. I know you were there because I know my grandson carried you there in his heart.”
We stood there while she told Rosalind all about me and my girls and what a lovely wedding it was. She talked about Marcus coming back and how she knew now that he was married, he wouldn’t be running all over hell and back.
And she talked about my girls, how much Rosalind would’ve loved them because she, too grew up with a stepfather. And how she knew that everything was going to be okay so she could rest in peace now. I about died, and Justice was curled up in a corner, bawling his eyes out.
“You go on ahead, dear; I’d like to stay here a bit longer.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, dear, I’ll be fine. I won’t be long.” She patted my hand, and I left before I started crying again.
* * *
* * *
“I finally figured out who your spy next to me is.”
“Oh really!”
“Yes, the only two people I keep close to me at all times are Monique and Carl. Monique, I’ve known for five years. Carl, I’ve known almost as long as I’ve been gone.”
“Do tell!”
“So, that car trouble I had in Indo-China, where Carl came to the rescue, that was you. I should’ve suspected something. Ex-Navy SEAL, weapons expert, martial arts expert.”
“So, what now, you’re going to fire him?”