“Why would I do that?”
“You should; he’s not very good at his job. Imagine this: I am the one who hired him, and within six months, he stopped reporting to me. Traitor. He’d only tell me happy shit and that Monique is a bloody tyrant.”
“What did you do to her now?”
“Nothing. I just asked her when she was going to put poor Carl out of his misery and stop playing hard to get, and she complained to your grandmother that I was being mean to her.”
“I’m not getting involved because later, I’ll probably find you two hiding out in the garden doing shots together.” There was a knock at the door, and one of my favorite people in the world walked in. “Grandpa, I’ll talk to you later.” The old man left the room in search of his wife whom he can’t seem to let out of his sight for more than ten minutes at a time.
“Henry. You made it.” I greeted my friend.
“Why can’t you call me Hank or Mancini like everyone else?”
“Why? Didn’t your mother name you Henry?” “Whatever, listen, I’ve got to run.”
“Oh yes, the concert.”
“Yeah, it’s tomorrow night, but there’s still a lot of work left to be done.”
“How is Lorde working out for you?”
“He’s pretty much what you said he has, but this is gonna be his first job with the squad, so we’ll have to see how it goes.”
“Didn’t he handle that thing in Nebraska?” “He did, but that’s small change compared to what we deal with. You know that.”
“Yeah.” A somber reminder of the world we live in.
“Oh, by the way, thanks for letting us use your boat.”
“Anytime. Tell your guys they didn’t do a very good job of cleaning up. I could still scent a trace of lion shit on my yacht.”
“Oh boy, OK, I guess we’ll get on that.”
“Oh, the big guy who keeps Face Timing you, that’s him?”
“Yeah, that’s Lyon.”
“He looks the part.”
“Really, you think so?
“Yeah, if you know what you’re looking for, you see beyond the Tattoos and the angry mug; you could see his regal bearing. It’s almost more regal than mine.”
“I’m pretty sure it is.”
“I bet. Oh, by the way, the kid Catalina, that’s his kid?”
“You should make her your director in charge of finance.”
“Why do you say that?”
“She’s very good at getting money out of people.” “Why did she con you out of more money?”
“I wouldn’t say it was a con.”
“How much did you give her?”