Page 48 of Ruby Mayhem

“Read the room, girl.” I huff a breath.

“You’re taking this hard.”

“Yeah.” The word “hard” barely covers it. “But what the hell am I supposed to do? And what if that test comes out positive? I’m stuck here. And now he wants me to marry him and-”

“He what?? He wants you to marry him?” Roxie’s eyes are huge. “You never mentioned that! Holy shit, Tee!”

“I need to find a way out of here before it happens!” Hearing myself say it, I find that I’m not so convinced anymore.

“This little hiccup could make thing complicated.” Roxie gestures to the stick on the vanity. I stare at it apprehensively. “Three minutes,” she says.

“What?” I frown at her.

“The box says wait two to three minutes.” She glances at her wrist. “Three minutes are up. Take a look at the results.”


“I can’t.”

“Tiana, it’s not going to go away if you don’t.” She leans back and crosses her arms over her chest. “I’d offer to do it for you but you know… pee.”

“Gee, thanks.” My hand shakes as I reach for the stick. I snatch it up and stare at the window.

The result is in.

My mouth goes dry. My pulse pounds in my temples as my heart races wildly. I try to steady my hand so I can see it more clearly. It’s there, right in front of me, but I don’t want to believe it. By the time I manage to find my voice, there is only one word I can utter.


“Fuck good, or fuck bad?” Roxie is peering over my shoulder.

Without letting her see the test, I stare into her eyes and hold up two of my fingers. I watch as my bestie’s face goes pale.

“Oh. Shit.” She clears her throat. “Does that mean…?”


That is exactly what it means - there’s no two ways about it. The test in my hand is undoubtedly showing two little pink lines. Positive lines. Damning lines. Even after I rub my eyes to make sure it’s not my nerves making me see double, those lines are still there. And rubbing my eyes doesn’t change the verdict.

I’m pregnant.

“You’re knocked up, babe,” Roxie says, stating the obvious.

“Fuck,” I say again. My heart is racing a mile a minute as the information slowly starts to sink in. I’m pregnant. There are three of us in the room. Roxie, me, and a tiny soul inside me. A tiny soul I was not prepared to welcome, but I can already feel myself loving this little soul fiercely.

Holy freaking shit!

Is this what mothers feel?

“Tee,” Roxie leans closer, bringing me back from my racing thoughts. “Are you okay?”

“I think so. I don’t know.” I straighten a little. My palms are sweating. I wipe them on my pants.

“You don’t know?” She narrows her eyes on me, as if she’s wondering if I’m going to pass out.

“I’m good.” I look up at her. I’m not lying. I’m actually okay. Somehow, this doesn’t feel like a terrible thing. Not terrible at all.

What the hell, girl?