Page 47 of Ruby Mayhem

“You’re right,” I say the word, but my stomach twists at the thought. What if I am right and there is a little soul I’m carrying inside my belly? It would change everything.

Roxie gives me a little push. “Come on, Tee. The sooner you know, the sooner you can decide what to do next.”

“What to do next.” I scoff lightly. “It’s not like I have a lot of choices, Rox.”

“We always have choices, babe. Just get it done.”

Heaving a long breath, I gather the courage and drag my feet in the direction of the adjoining bathroom.

“So…” Roxie’s voice carries from the bedroom as I tug down my jeans and panties before taking a seat. “This new life of yours doesn’t exactly seem like a prison sentence, huh?”

“Depends on your definition of a prison sentence. It’s… complicated.” I sit awkwardly as I try to direct a stream of pee at the little plastic stick that I’m holding gingerly.

“Looks a lot better than complicated. I bet this place is worth a freaking fortune.”

“Yeah.” I wrinkle my nose as I try to avoid getting my fingers wet.

“Does it have a helipad?”

“No idea.” I set the stick on the gray marble vanity nearby, my nose still wrinkled.

“How can you not know? You’re screwing the guy, right? You should know if he has a helicopter or not.”

“Believe it or not, the helipad hasn’t come up in our conversations.” I dry off, pull up my pants as I stand, and wash my hands. I try not to look at the stick as I do so.

“I bet it hasn’t.” Roxie’s voice has grown closer, and a glance in the gilt-framed mirror shows her standing leaning against the door frame. “I bet you’ve had more exciting things on your mind.” She winks.

My cheeks flush as I shoot her a glance. “Yes. I’ve had other things on my mind.”

“Like Mr. Hot Stuff’s wonder wang?”

“Wonder wang, huh?”

“You know what I mean!” Roxie waggles her brows. “I bet it’s a monster!”

“Jesus, stop it!” I stop her short. “You’re not here to discuss the my boyfriend’s size.”

“Ooh! So he’s your boyfriend now?”

“That’s… shit… I don’t know, Rox.” I heave a sigh.

“So what is he to you, then?” She takes a few steps into the room, then sits on the edge of the tub that’s so huge it could probably fit three occupants.

“I honestly don’t know.” I run a hand through my hair. “He… he’s not like normal men. At least, I don’t think so. I don’t know what to think.”

“Oh, babe.” She reaches a hand to me and squeezes my arm gently. “It’s okay to be confused. I know it’s kinda fucked up how you got here.”

“Now, there’s an understatement.” I try to sound flippant as I roll my eyes.

“But you have feelings for this man, don’t you?”

I pause before I answer. “Yes. I think.” I finally say. “God, I’m such an idiot!” I cover my face with both hands.

“Don’t beat yourself up, Tee.” Roxie’s grip tightens as she squeezes again. “I know this is not how you imagined your life, but it can’t be all bad. I mean, he must be a killer in bed.” She giggles. “I mean… he’s a killer everywhere, so of course he’d be a next-level fuck.”

“Roxie, please! I’m on my last nerve here!”

“Sorry, sorry.” She holds up a hand. “I'm just trying to lighten the mood.”