Page 18 of Mr. Devereaux

She snorts. “Uh huh. God, don’t look now, the three stooges are headed this way.”

Sure enough, one glance over my shoulder tells me my friends are indeed walking toward us.

Devon, Zane and Lewis; they’re all decked out in tuxedos and masks, though Lewis’ is pulled up on top of his head.

“I didn’t know Halloween came early,” I quip.

“Funny,” says Zane. “And here we were saving your birthday present until last. Now you might not get it at all.”

Devon gives me a wink. That can’t mean anything good.

“It better not have anything to do with an exploding cake,” Layne grumbles. “Because that was my idea.”

Devon throws an arm around her shoulders. “And you look ravishing tonight, Layne.”

She elbows him in the ribs. “Speak for yourself, D.”

The two of them have always had a love/hate kinda thing, and at one point I thought it might turn into more, but so far it hasn’t. I wouldn’t be upset. Devon is a good guy. My sister though? Ball breaker.

The day some guy snags her and makes her an honest woman, is the day hell freezes over.

“Hey, what about me?” Lewis pouts. “I had to wear this stupid thing, courtesy of the lovely Mrs. Devereaux, of course.”

“I helped pick those,” Layne informs him. “So think yourself grateful. It could’ve been a lot worse if I hadn't been there, trust me. Mum can go a little overboard when it comes to decor.”

“No shit,” Zane laughs. “How much is the going rate to rent swans for the evening?”

“I seriously don’t want to know,” I grumble. “Money better spent on charity.”

“I was just saying to my brother how boring he is now that he’s forty-five,” Layne sings gleefully. “What do you think, boys? Is it just me or is he becoming a right old stick in the mud?”

“You called it.” Zane shrugs when I give him a sideways glance.

“Definitely a lot grumpier,” Devon puts in.

“I think there’s a few more grey hairs, old boy.” Lewis points up at my head as I swat his hand away. “But that’s a sign of wisdom, so they say.”

“I must have a shit load of wisdom then.” I run a hand through my hair as my sister laughs.

“That was pretty good. You’re loosening up. I need to go find alcohol.” My sister takes off, slinging Devon’s arm off her shoulders.

“Don’t wait up for me!” Devon calls behind her.

“You two just need to bone already,” Zane sighs.

I wince. “Guys. That’s my sister for fuck’s sake.”

“Still. She’s hot.” Devon slings his arm around me now. “We know how much you hate parties, but if you can do the rounds once, please your parents for an hour, we’ll whisk you off to your suite in no time.”

I glance at the three of them one by one. They’re all smiling a little too wide.

I sigh. “What did you guys do this time?”

Zane taps his nose. “Just wait.”

“I hate surprises,” I remind them.

“You won’t hate this,” Lewis says. “Trust us.”