”Perfect,” I say.
Got to go. George is finished
Yeah, on second thought, don’t bring a date. It’s better that way
Between the two of them, and our other friend Lewis, they’re up to no good.
I really do not need to be embarrassed in front of my family, though deep down, I know they’d never do that. They’d keep it strictly behind closed doors.
I’ve learned over the years to ask no questions. It’s better that way.
“You’re particularly grumpy today,” my sister says, annoyance in her tone. “Is it because you’re old now?”
I roll my eyes. “I was old yesterday, sister dear. Birthdays are just another reminder that no matter how old you get, you’ll always have an annoying little sister nagging at you to enjoy yourself.”
“Aww. That was such a cute attempt at a joke.” She rolls her eyes. “Oh, and a heads up. Mum’s looking for you.”
I groan, slipping my ridiculous mask back into place.
I don’t know why I fucking agreed to this. It’s insane.
“I hope you didn’t tell her where I was.”
“Don’t be mean, Alistair. For some reason, Mum still thinks the sun shines out of your arse, for what reason, I don’t know.”
I give Layne the side-eye. “Maybe I’m just her favourite child?”
She baulks. “Hmm. Not likely. And to think, all you had to do was smile and pretend you like the ice sculptures and swans.” She can’t hold in her laughter.
I shake my head. “It’s over the top, surely even you can admit that.”
“Fine. I admit that maybe Mum did go a little too far with the swans, but still, at least she cares.” She has a point. I know Mum means well, but this is more about appearances than my actual birthday. Mum was from an aristocratic family, as was my Dad, too, so keeping up with the Jones’ is something that’s ingrained into you from childhood.
Mum and Dad opened their manor for the party, so for that I should be grateful. At least it’s not my house they're all trashing.
“Oh, I have no doubt at all that she cares,” I sigh. “Her heart’s in the right place, but fucking swans?”
“The Devereaux’s do nothing by halves, dear brother.” She gives me a devilish grin.
“That is certainly true.”
“So, I see you didn’t bring a date tonight?” My sister looks around me like my date is hiding somewhere. It’s far too complicated to bring a date and have them interrogated by my mother. Every time she sees me with a woman, she starts planning the goddamn wedding.
“You do have eyes after all?” I mock.
“Surely you could’ve found at least one willing bimbo to bring with you.” My sister also knows all about my escapades, of course — she’s not dumb.
“Hey, bimbos have feelings, Layne. Just remember that.”