Page 2 of Alpha Wild

As the darkness takes hold and my body finally recovers from my flight, I creep out of my hiding place. Snout lifted, I let the thread pull me. I pick up his scent and follow it.

It’s not long before I spot him. Sitting with his back braced against a tall tree. One heavily muscled thigh is raised, his forearm resting casually across his knee. He leans his head back against the heavy trunk, lashes dark against his cheeks.

Just sitting. Silent.

I sink to the floor out of sight, rest my chin on my paws, and keep my eyes fixed on him. I stay that way until the sun starts to rise. He barely moves. Neither do I.

I can’t say why I do it, just that I’m compelled to.

I have to watch him.

I don’t know what he wants or why he’s following me. But one thing is certain – he won’t give up easily.

And I don’t want him to.



I knew I’d find her, eventually. Although I never expected that she’d be the one to come to me. That was a surprise. She’s been…skittish.

It’s been a couple of days since I first traced the wolf’s spoor, and it didn’t take me long to figure out that she’s shifter…and female.

Very female.

Something tightens in the pit of my gut as I pick up her lingering scent. It’s one that’s grown familiar now. And it’s drawn me since the first moment I encountered it. She’s been circling the wolf sanctuary – at least, that’s what the fuckers want to call it. I know better. It’s hell. Hell for those they’ve locked up in there.

And it’s going to be hell for those so-called rangers, too, when their day of reckoning comes. I will not tolerate what they’ve been doing to our kind.

What I can’t understand is why she’s hanging around here. If she’d been inside and managed to get out – which I can only imagine is the case – why the hell didn’t she take the gap and run?

My mind runs over the possible scenarios. The only one I can think of is that she’s connected to the other wolves somehow.

A soft sound catches my attention. Rhythmic breathing. Sleeping. She’d been panting softly when she arrived. Fear coursing through her. And something else, too. I could smell it. But damn if I can’t put my finger on the scent.

She’s out there now. Just yards away. The shadows disguise the rich gold of her pelt. I could probably get to her in a couple of seconds if I rushed across there now. I won’t. I’ll spook her. If I know anything at all, it’s that she needs my help.

Now I just have to convince her to take it.

If she’s managed to sleep this close to me, that must be a sign that she’s letting her guard down a little. Trusting me.

“Hello?” I keep my voice low. Soothing.

There’s a pause in the breathing. A faint rustle of foliage.


“I’m not going to hurt you. I’m here to help. Trust me…I’m one of your kind.”

The rustling stops. I get an overwhelming sense of watchfulness, but I’m guessing she’s processing this. Considering her options. If she shifts, maybe I can convince her.

“Will you talk to me? Tell me—”

My sentence is cut off by the strident ringing of my phone.


The rustling turns into a crackle as the wolf turns tail and bolts.