Page 3 of Alpha Wild

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

“What?” I bark as I answer the call, raking a hand through my hair. If it hadn’t rung, I might have gotten through to her.

“Where are you?” Jagger’s voice is equally curt.

“Still surveilling the place,” I reply. It’s partially true. I have an inkling of what’s going on there.

I’m mainly here because of her.

“Alpen is on his way to meet with you.”

“Sure. Where?” I grind my teeth because I know I won’t get this information from Edirn Alpen himself. The bastard won’t use a goddamn phone. Though, considering how much of a ball-ache it’s been to keep mine charged and in reception, I’m starting to think he has a point.

“He said he’d meet you just outside of town where you first parted ways.”

“Sure. I remember the place.” I stretch my limbs as I recall the spot that’s about five miles out of Sweetwater. I’m reluctant to move so far from Whispering Pines, but I know there’s not much that will happen during the day. The only activity I’ve ever been aware of has been at night. The rest of the time, it simply seems like a regular sanctuary, with the occasional visitor dropping by to check out the wolves.

I clench my jaw.

Even though the visible ones are natural wolves…not shifters…it still burns my ass to think of those creatures on display like that. We may be very different in most ways, but there’s still a kinship there.

“He’ll be there at noon,” Jagger is saying. He ends the call. He’s not one for small talk, which suits me fine. Stretching my arms overhead, I feel muscles unknot and bones crack. I’ve learned how to stay still and silent for extended periods, but last night, there’d been an additional tension in me. Awareness of her. Listening for changes.

Still, I managed to catch enough sleep to get me through. Another thing I’ve learned to do. Make do. Run lean.

Though I’m going to need to eat soon. My stomach rumbles as I rise and twist at the hip in both directions to loosen my tight back. I could shift and track something down in the forest – it’s what she’s been doing. I’ve caught signs of the occasional kill since I’ve been here. Nothing major: a hare, a bird or two. She’s doing enough to get by.

No time for me to do that now. I’ll get something in Sweetwaters. I’ll pass a truckstop on the way to meet Alpen. Which makes me wonder… Why hasn’t the she-wolf shifted and gone into town?

She’s scared.

I gnaw on the inside of my cheek as I imagine her out here, alone. Afraid. I find that I don’t like the idea. It sets my teeth on edge. Moving to the outskirts of the clearing, my nostrils flare as my nose leads me to the spot she’d been lying in. Aside from one or two tiny branches that had been broken, there’s barely a sign she’d even been there.

She’s careful. Staying hidden, choosing a place she could get out of easily. She’s scared of me, too. And yet not…

I stoop and run my fingertips over the indentation in the low brush where she’d lain last night. I can almost imagine there’s still the warmth of her body here. It’s a warmth that tingles over my skin and ripples into me. I feel that tightening in the pit of my belly again. Or maybe it’s lower.

I rise.

I’m coming back.

Chapter 2


My boots crunch on the gravel as I make my way up to where Edirn is waiting. He’s leaning against a fencepost, arms crossed, waiting for me. I nod a greeting as I reach him.

He gets straight to the point. “Redburn says you had a lead about a sanctuary out here somewhere. What did you find?” His voice is low and gruff. It’s always gruff. And I’m willing to bet it has something to do with the band of scarring around his throat. Not that I’ll ask. Or care much, particularly.

“So far, nothing concrete.” I shrug, shoving my hands in the pockets of my jeans. “Still trying to piece it all together. Something’s not right there, but I need more time to figure out exactly what.”

Edirn’s eyes narrow. “More time?”

I hesitate, my mind flashing to the golden wolf in the woods. Her eyes, the way she looked at me… I can’t shake the feeling that she’s important somehow. But I can’t tell Edirn about her, not yet. Not until I know more.

“Yeah,” I say, forcing a nonchalant tone. “I’ve got a hunch but no proof. I need to keep digging.”

Edirn grunts, pushing away from the pole. “Alright. But don’t take too long. If there are shifters in trouble, we need to move fast.”