I should’ve known better than to ask him. Although it was an asshole move on his part to freak out at the last minute, it served as a reminder. I’d stepped out of the box into which we’d put our whatever-the hell-you-would-call-it, temporary, monogamous, non-kissing thing. But I’d meant what I said. I wasn’t bringing him to save face. On the other hand, I had wanted him to be there as an ally. Someone who would be on my side, a person who represented unapologetic choices.
As I walked into the church, I kept my head high and gazed straight ahead. The last thing I wanted to do was mingle with anyone I didn’t have to. Namely, Eric or any of his friends. My mother had already told me we’d be in the fourth row on the left side. I smiled at the usher, took the program, and allowed him to escort me down.
My mother, with her olive skin and big brown eyes, looked up smiling. She quickly dropped the expression for a frown. I already knew what was coming.
“Where is this date you insisted on bringing?”
“Unfortunately, something came up at work.”
I took my seat and smiled at my dad. He was a big man with the trademark Italian accent. “Hi, Dad. Looking good from the trip.”
They were both sporting a glow from the Caribbean sun. “Hi, honey. Nice to see you.”
But my mom wasn’t done. “What do you mean he had to work? What does he do?”
“He manages a club in Manhattan. Something came up.”
“Your cousin paid one hundred fifty per person.”
I smiled tightly. “I’ll send her a check and an apology.”
“I swear, with your luck in men, Daniella, you’re never going to settle down.”
“Maybe I don’t want to.” I could tell from the intake of her breath she hadn’t expected my retort.
She’d always preached that unless you had a ring on your finger and bun in the oven, you were not doing your part for society as a woman. “I saw Eric here, and he didn’t bring a date. I’m certain if you guys talked things out, you could salvage the relationship.”
“As I told you on the phone, he not only cheated on me, but he also stole from me. Is that who you really want as part of the family?”
My father wasn’t helping. “You said he’s paying you back. As for the other, maybe he just needed to get it out of his system.”
Who were these people? If ever I wondered why I’d stayed longer than I should’ve in the relationship with Eric, these were certainly the influences. It made me even more grateful I’d gotten out. At least I didn’t have to go home with them tonight and be surrounded by their disappointment like I would’ve had to do in my youth. Then again, when I was younger, I actually had done everything I could in order to please them. It had never been enough.
“I’m not discussing this here.” I was done trying to please them.
The ceremony was about to start, and I already had a headache. I was quickly thinking perhaps Shane had been right to bail. The thought slammed home when Eric stepped into our pew, much to my mother’s delight.
“Here, dear, I saved a place for you.”
His smile made me want to flee. With him now sitting between my mother and me, I seriously contemplated it. Only the onset of the wedding music stopped me.
“How are you?” he whispered.
“Shh. It’s starting.”
The moment the bride and groom made it to the back of the church, I bolted. It was only four blocks to the hotel where the reception was being held. I hoofed it rather than spend a moment longer in Eric’s company. God, he’d been staring at me as my cousin and her new husband had been saying their vows like I would turn to him and say, ‘let’s get married.’ If anything, the ceremony only reaffirmed my decision never to settle again.
Upon arriving at the hotel, I realized I’d beaten most guests there. Probably because they were doing some pictures after the ceremony, and people were mingling. At least this gave me time to go check in. Only one problem. My duffle bag was in Shane’s car.
Not that I had a lot in there, but the contents did include my makeup bag, toiletries, and a change of clothes for tomorrow. Now, I had nothing but my purse and the hotel-provided items I’d find in the room. I sighed, thinking this was bad luck until it got worse.
“Can we talk for a minute?” Eric’s voice came from behind me.