Page 39 of Dirty Intentions

I didn’t hesitate to reach over. When my fingers met no barrier, coming into contact with her hot, wet heat, I smiled. Since she wasn’t the type of girl who’d normally go commando, knowing she did it for me was even more of a turn-on.

I withdrew my hand, much to her frustration. But my options were limited while driving a stick shift. Plus it wasn’t a long drive over to Jersey City.

Daniella blew out a breath, but then was distracted by her buzzing phone, which she answered. “Hey, Mom. No, we’re on the way. We’re not late. We’re on time. Okay, fine. See you at the church.”

She shut the phone with a big sigh. “I already can’t wait to get to the reception and leave early.”

I fought down the panic starting to well up. “Your mother is going to be there?”

She flipped down the visor and touched up her lipstick, either choosing to ignore the anxiety in my question or not recognizing it. “Yeah. Both her and my dad.”

“You didn’t mention that.” Did she?

She flipped up the visor and capped her lipstick before glancing over. “I said it was for my cousin. I think that implies my family would be there.”

“I don’t do family.” It was too much.

“What does that mean exactly?”

“It means I don’t appreciate the blindside. I told you from the beginning this isn’t a relationship.”

Instead of looking upset, like I thought she would, she laughed. “I asked you if you wanted to come to my cousin’s wedding. You said yes. Implying I sprang my family on you is complete crap. But you know what? Drop me off at the church. You’re off the hook. The last thing I need is you thinking I somehow snared you into tonight.”

Fuck. The guilt was already sinking in. “Look, it’s nothing—”

She held up her hand. “Not trying to be rude here, but you don’t owe me an explanation. I should’ve known better than to ask.”

She was pissed, and I didn’t blame her. It should’ve clicked when she’d said ‘cousin’s wedding’ that it would include her family. But something didn’t make sense. “Why would Eric be attending if it’s your cousin’s wedding?”

“Because the groom was his college roommate. They met at a happy hour for his firm that I dragged her to.”

“Maybe I can go for a moment. That way Eric sees us and then—”

“Un—fucking—believable. I didn’t invite you so I could save face. Whether I walk in there with you or by myself, my head is high. First, I did nothing wrong. Second, I don’t care if he thinks I’m with someone or not.”

Huh. Proving yet again that Daniella wasn’t like most of the other women I knew. Any of them would’ve wanted to make their ex jealous. “I didn’t mean to make it sound that way.”

She was looking out the window, and I wasn’t sure what else to say. Ten minutes later she directed me to the front of the church. I’d barely come to a stop before she was out of the car and shutting my door. I had to lower the window to shout out to her.

“Am I meeting you at the hotel later?”

She stopped for a moment, turned, and walked back to the car with purpose. There, she leaned down to the open window. “You know, for a smart man, that was a really dumb question. Especially when I’m sure you already can guess the answer.”

I was a dick. And I’d screwed up. Big time. Knowing this only fueled my anger. My character and crappy judgment was why a guy like me did not belong even in a simple sex arrangement, let alone a relationship. Our argument was clearly a sign. But no-showing to a wedding after she’d called to bring a plus one was shitty. And it wasn’t as though Daniella had given me any sign she was becoming attached or clingy. But meeting her parents... They would certainly have expectations about me, especially when Daniella was coming off her engagement.

Shit. It took me five minutes to make up my mind about what I needed to do.