Page 44 of Without Judgment

Mason opened the door once I finally realized he wouldn’t stop knocking and told him to come in. His expression showed his immediate annoyance. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“Out. You coming to babysit, or do I need to call an Uber?”

“This isn’t a good idea. Especially since your father—”

Wrong thing to bring up. “Uber it is then.”

His jaw tensed. “Fine. I’ll drive you.”

“Great be prepared for a wild night.”

He chuckled. “Sure thing princess.”


Of course he’d laughed. And I couldn’t blame him. Because boring, uneventful Avery never would’ve done anything wild or crazy. Only thing was, the world thought I did. Everyone believed I was some sort of sex fiend, recording my sexual encounters with my fiancé for all to see. And for the first time, perhaps a small part of me was envious of that girl. The one who hadn’t been shy or reserved in bed. Who hadn’t been so boring her fiancé went out and cheated on her with someone more exciting. Who hadn’t been rejected by Mason so abruptly.

I was aware I was being stupid. I didn’t deserve to be cheated on and Mason’s reaction shouldn’t affect me. But I wasn’t thinking rational thoughts, instead I wanted to shake things up. The need to do something a little on the wild side. If I was going to be judged for it, then why not reap the benefits for once. It sure beat sitting in my bed crying.

That’s why I was in a short jean skirt, with a top I tied up to show my mid-drift and lastly my cowboy boots made up the ensemble. But the clothes didn’t mean anything if the actions didn’t back them up. Which is why upon meeting my girlfriends at the bar who’d been all too happy to have me join them, I ordered a round of shots. And then another. If the goal was to be numb, I was winning. So much so that by the time I was at the dance club two hours later, I was feeling good. Real good.

And now my father could say he got his money’s worth with the dance classes. Because dancing is something I could do to forget my troubles. At least until I felt hands on my ass. Hands which belonged to a blurry-faced stranger once I turned towards him. Who despite me trying to move away, tugged on my arm. Screw it, the girl in the video wouldn’t mind a stranger pawing at her on the dance floor.

But when I faced forward, familiar ice blue eyes locked on mine, then over my shoulder.

“Let go of the lady.”

The strange man snickered. “She ain’t no lady. Step off man.”

“Last warning, man.”

The guy held up his arms noticing that Mason wasn’t messing around. “Whatever. Pussy isn’t worth it.”

“What did you say?” Mason shouted, but I pulled him away before he could make a scene. Unfortunately, he turned his anger towards me. “Is this what you wanted? Dressing so you attract the attention of guys who’ll see you as an easy target?”

“Maybe it is. I’ve already been labeled a slut. Why not enjoy the benefits for once.”

“That’s not who you are.”

“What does it matter? Make sure you tell my father I put tonight on his platinum card.” I’d foolishly believed Mason was on my side until the office exchange today. Hell maybe he’d known about the note with the first video too.

He narrowed his eyes about to say more until my two girlfriends came up, tugging on my arm and insisting we hit the next club. “Bye now.”

We walked two blocks to the next destination. I didn’t look, nor did I care if Mason was following. My subconscious called me a liar, but I decided to get her drunk enough she’d shut the hell up.

“Wow isn’t that the same guy from the last bar. Not someone your daddy would approve of, but he’s hot as shit,” Tara shouted over the music.

I scrunched my face, thinking that was a horrible metaphor. I mean who wanted a guy who was hot like shit. Shit wasn’t hot. Especially warm shit. I started to giggle, alcohol clearly having mushed my brain. Then I had a crazy thought, I ended up blurting out.

“I’m gonna go home with him tonight.” Considering he was a sure thing because he was being paid to take me home, I thought it was funny to pretend.

Tara’s mouth about fell open. “Shut up. Do it.”

Laughing at the fact they had no idea he was my bodyguard, I shrugged. “Maybe in a bit. But first we have more dancing to do.”

He may not have heard me, but in looking at his face, it was clear he was pissed. And I enjoyed pushing that button all too well.