“They’re giving me forty-eight hours to give up the bid or it goes viral. It’s the same as the first note.”
I sucked in a breath. Not only was I finding out there’d been a note with the first one, but it had been with a threat to give up the bid or have the video hit. All this time trying to figure out why someone was doing this to me and my father had known all along it was about his campaign.
“You had an ultimatum with the first video?”
I noticed he immediately looked uncomfortable with the question. I wasn’t sure whether I was more angry or hurt he’d kept the truth from me.
“It’s a moot point now Avery.”
I wasn’t sure I’d agree, but pressed on with my questions. “How would this be any different than the first one? You said it was Edward who looked bad. I heard your numbers went up.”
“This one is different.”
I lost my temper to see Mason and my father sharing another look. “What’s on this video?”
“Two men. Three if you count Edward filming. He’s saying this is what the two of you did. These orgies.”
“WHAT?” This could not be happening. It was one thing to question whether or not your ex fiancée could’ve filmed you secretly while we had sex. At least that was plausible. But this. This was complete and utter bullshit.
“I won’t repeat it Avery.” He took a seat behind his massive desk appearing in need of a stiff drink despite the early hour.
“Obviously it’s not me. It’s a lie. I’d definitely remember if I was with anyone else other than Edward. And for the record I haven’t been, let alone with two men at the same time.”
“It doesn’t matter what the truth is, it matters what people believe.”
I walked closer to his desk, putting my palms on the mahogany surface, my gaze on him. “And what do you believe?”
“Doesn’t matter.”
My face turned red while my temper hit a boiling point not seen before with the man I’d always respected and never talked back to. “Actually, it matters very much. To me. Your daughter. Do you believe me when I tell you that under no circumstances can it be me on the video?”
His eyes met mine, but then turned away. “I want to, I really do.”
“Un-fucking-believable.” Well that got his attention as he looked up at me with a shocked expression. “I’ve always been the good girl and where did it get me? Huh? You’re more concerned about your race for Mayor than you ever were with my feelings. But you know what bothers me the most? It’s my own father questioning my integrity.”
“There are a lot of people who invested a great deal of money in my campaign.”
I held up a hand, fighting the tears. “Then by all means, you wouldn’t want to let any of them down.”
“Honey, I may have to give up the bid.”
I held my breath, but then came the second part.
“The campaign wouldn’t survive this sort of scandal.”
A humorless laugh escaped my lips. “I’ve never lied to you. Well except for maybe the time I ruined your golf club by using it to fish out my Barbie from the pool, but you figured that out quickly and in my defense I was five years old. It’s a long way away from lying about being fucked by two guys while my fiancé filmed it all.”
He sucked in a breath. “Elizabeth Avery, watch your mouth. I’m your father and deserve some respect.”
I gave him a shrug, sadness seeping in. “Just seemed like something a girl who was doing sex videos with multiple guys might say to her dad. And respect is a two-way street.”
Before I could burst into tears, I spun on heel, ignoring Mason and leaving the room to go up to my own. I buried myself in my bed having a good cry and trying to figure out what I would do.
By the time the afternoon had rolled around I’d made phone calls to both Tara and Alicia. We were going out tonight. It wasn’t my most mature plan to drown my troubles in vodka and dancing, but for once I didn’t care. Between the anniversary of my mother’s death, the entire scandal after being cheated on by my ex, Mason’s indifference not to mention my father valuing his campaign above me, I was officially out of fucks to give.
There wasn’t another knock on my door until later that evening around eight o’clock, but I ignored it, instead, finished getting dressed. I’d already done up my makeup and hair.