I silently vowed to myself as I stood on the same ground as her blood had seeped into that I’d get her back.

Or I’d die trying.


I Want To Show You The Basement


Hours, we’d walked these woods for miles and miles. The sun set and, though it killed me to admit it, searching out here proved to be a lost cause.

She might have been here earlier but she was not here anymore. And we’d wasted an entire day here looking for her.

The longer we were out here the worse the feeling in my gut became.

And, even though I tried not to pay her any mind because she didn’t deserve my time, the longer we were out here the more frantic and openly terrified Ariel became. Quinton kept trying to bully her into going home but she refused to leave her dad’s side for anything.

Family was such a beautiful thing and I was jealous of the sight of the two of them together. For the second time in my life my family was crumbling around me. Isobel, gone. Romero, emotionally shut down. Rain, slowly bleeding to death on the inside but trying, and failing, to hide it.

Well I was as good as useless to each and every one of them. Watching Ariel cling to Rain was just making the feeling worse. Who was looking after Isobel? Was she all alone or did she need comforting, someone to hold her hand?

When we got her home I didn’t care if it exposed just how crazy I was, I was never leaving her side again. Even if it meant I had to chain myself to her for all eternity. I’d do it. She’d just have to get over knowing how crazy I was and deal with it.

They were all going to have to deal with it because when she came back they were all stuck with me, whether they liked it or not.

It took an hour of rounding everyone up and getting out of there before we returned to the cabin. And every-fucking-body decided to return with us.

This wasn’t my home, so it wasn’t my business or my place to tell them to get the fuck out, but I really wanted to. I didn’t like the looks of pity that were being thrown around at us, it made me sick to my stomach.

They were all gathered in the living room and kitchen. Making coffee and talking about what to do next. It was all bullshit and I couldn’t put up with another second of it.

Which is why I found myself in Isobel’s room, standing around like an idiot, not even knowing where to begin.

It didn’t seem right to riffle through her things and touching anything at all in here while she was gone felt incredibly wrong.

Fucking everything felt wrong.

“Finn,” Quinton called out quietly from the open doorway. “I know you’re probably still pissed, and I’m probably the last person you want to be around right now, but I think I can help you. If you’ll let me.”

I couldn’t even look at him. He sounded sincere enough but the last time we’d spoken he’d literally warned me to stay away from Rain or we were going to have problems.

Now I had plenty of problems and it would be stupid of me to invite any more.

“You shouldn’t be in here, in Isobel’s bedroom,” I told him without still bothering to look at him.

He didn’t like her. He shouldn’t be in her space. It was sacred to her. I could be in here because she’d invited me into it and I already knew I was welcome.

He ignored my comment, because he was Quinton, and he did whatever the fuck he wanted.

He sat down on the unmade bed beside me. “You’re probably right about that, and we can argue about it later, but now is not the time. Nobody is thinking straight now so it’s up to you and I to keep level heads about us so we can find the minx.”


I should be offended but I wasn’t. There was no heat behind his words and I could tell he didn’t mean any harm.

I wondered if I called Ariel a brat if he’d take it as well as I was taking the word minx for my love.

I fucking hoped he said that shit in front of Rain and Romero.