“Let’s go to Fortune’s. I want to show you the basement there. When Tyson bought the place he got it off of an old, blind witch who’s dead now. Turned out she was doing some extremely wicked blood magic down there. We’ve cleaned the space up a bit down there but there’s still quite a bit of things we left that we didn’t tell anyone about because the Council wouldn’t have approved. We’ll need some of Isobel’s things, like a hairbrush or anything else you can find. I also would appreciate it if we could keep this on the down low. We don’t need everyone dragging ass behind us and showing up.”

By everyone I assumed he meant Ariel. They were his balls on the line but I had no problem leaving the others behind.

His silver cowboy boots caught my attention and I couldn’t help but frown down at them. Isobel was the only other person who I knew wore cowboy boots like that.

I wondered how the two of them would feel if they knew they had anything in common. They’d probably both hate it.

Fingers snapped in my face, making me flinch. “Hey, Finn, snap the fuck out of it, man. Now’s not the time to have a breakdown. Get your shit together and I’ll meet you out at your car in ten.”

He slipped out of the door just as quietly as he’d slipped inside.

I didn’t want to leave but sitting here doing nothing wasn’t going to get me anything and it would only serve to make me more depressed. Doing something was certainly better than sitting here moping. And he’d certainly caught my attention with talk of this basement.

Blood magic was something I was familiar with and I’d also dabbled in things that The Council certainly wouldn’t have approved of.

I found Isobel’s hairbrush on her dresser. There was a tube of lipstick beside it that I picked up as well.

I had never realized just how few belongings she really had. There was no jewelry and the actual amount of makeup she had was minimal.

And the lack of photographs really surprised me given how often she liked to take pictures of me on her phone.

The lipstick and the brush were going to have to do the trick because there wasn’t anything else for me to grab.

I didn’t want to go out into the living room to face the others. I was a damn good liar when I needed to be but I refused to lie to either Rain or Romero. That was no way to start a relationship and definitely not when I wanted them to be able to trust me.

That left me with a limited amount of options on how to make my escape without being spotted or questioned.

The window it was.

I felt like a damned teenager sneaking out of the house as I pushed the window up and popped the lock. I swung my leg over the sill and hopped out, landing on the ground with a soft thud. I slid the window shut behind me.

I walked to my car without trying to hide or act like I was sneaking off. There was nothing to see here, just me going to my car and not running off without telling anyone.

I had a feeling both Romero and Rain were going to be pissed at me when they found me gone. Romero had my phone number and if he called I wouldn’t avoid answering him, I didn’t want him to worry about me on top of everything else.

I slipped into the driver’s seat and my eyes were drawn to the rearview mirror for some reason. Call it instinct.

Tyson Alexander was sitting in the backseat behind me.

Honestly, I wasn’t surprised in the slightest to see him. He was obsessed with his uncle and would have followed him anywhere.

“If he doesn’t hurry up we’re going to have to leave without him because it won’t take Ariel long to notice I’m gone. Then we’ll never get out of here.”

I grunted in response.

I had no problem leaving any of these Alexander people behind. I knew where Fortunes was and I could easily break in there on my own and find my way to this basement.

The passenger door opened and Quinton dived into my car. “Go, go, go,” he urged in a strained voice. “She’s like a fucking blood hound and she’s locked onto the scent. Hurry the fuck up, Finn.”

I didn’t want to be alone with Tyson but I was really starting to get bummed out about not being able to leave Quinton behind.

I sighed as I fired my Charger up and backed out of the driveway before anyone inside could wise up and come to see where we were going. I whipped around because the driveway wasn’t just long, it went on for miles and I didn’t have faith in my abilities to back all the way out without nailing a tree or something and injuring my baby.

The car remained quiet until we were on the road and headed towards town and Fortunes For The Unfortunate.

As for me, I didn’t have anything to say to either of them. It was big of Quinton to step up and try to help out, but outside of following his uncle around like a lost puppy I had no idea why Tyson was here. I didn’t think we’d ever had a decent interaction between the two of us before.

Why hadn’t they gone to Rain? My understanding was they were like sons to the man. They were his son-in-laws. In that sense, Romero was their family as much as Rain was.