Page 16 of Jackson

"Listen up, people!" Kane said. "It's time we shake off the rust and get back to our prime fighting form." A collective groan rose from the group, mingling with the sound of rolling eyes and shuffling feet.

"Come on," Kane continued. "We've been living the soft life too long.”

"Speak for yourself," Ethan muttered, but there was a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Kane's right," Jackson interjected. "Let's give those tree-huggers a game they'll never forget."

"Tree-huggers who can squash us," Luke piped up from the back, earning a round of chuckles.

"Which is why we start training tomorrow. Bright and early!" Kane said, his enthusiasm annoying the others.

"Guess we're dusting off the old playbook," Jackson mumbled to Maya.

"Playbook?" Maya teased, looping her arm through Jackson's. "I hope it involves more strategy than 'run fast and don't get tackled.'"

"Alright, team," Kane clapped his hands together. "Let's show Bear Ridge what Stoney Ridge is made of!"

"Hopefully not bruises and broken bones," Sarah mumbled as she looked around the room.

"Alright, alright," Alex said. " But just so we’re clear, if I end up in traction, I'm sending you all my medical bills."

"Deal," Kane said as they all groaned at the thought of being tackled by anyone from Bear Ridge.

Chapter Seventeen

Jackson, Luke, Alex, Ethan, and Kane, were running across the football field, their muscles rippled beneath their sweat-soaked shirts. On the sidelines under a towering oak tree, Sarah, Maya, Olivia, and Eve huddled together, sipping iced tea and fanning themselves as they watched the men practice.

"Good Lord, look at them," Sarah said, her eyes following Kane as he leaped to catch a pass. "I swear, these boys get hotter every time I see them."

"Uh-huh," agreed Eve, her gaze fixed on Luke's biceps flexing as he threw the ball. "I'm a lucky woman."

"Speaking of luck," Olivia chimed in, nudging Maya with a knowing grin. "Looks like you hit the jackpot with Jackson."

Maya couldn't help but blush as she caught sight of Jackson stretching his long limbs, revealing the chiseled abs beneath his shirt. "Yeah, I guess so," she admitted, trying to sound casual.

"Speaking of which," Eve said with a sly smile, "you've got some big news, don't you?"

"Alright, fine," Maya relented, her cheeks burning even hotter. "Jackson and I are moving in together."

"Really?" Olivia squealed, clapping her hands. "That's amazing!”

Sarah squinted into the distance, shielding her eyes from the sun as she spotted a group of burly men standing at the far end of the field. "Hey, who are those guys?" she asked, nudging Maya.

"Who?" Maya turned to look and caught sight of Colt, Amy, and several other towering figures watching the football practice intently. "It looks like Ethan's noticed them too."

Sure enough, Ethan had abandoned his spot on the field and was making his way over to the Bear Ridge players, his eyes fixed on Amy. As he approached, he tried to strike up a conversation with her, but Colt's imposing presence quickly put an end to that. Though his words were inaudible from where they stood, it was clear that Colt had sent a firm message: back off.

"Ouch," Sarah winced. "Poor guy will never stand a chance while Colt is there.”

"Speaking of men," Olivia chimed in, gesturing towards Jackson and Kane as they jogged over to the sidelines. Jackson didn't waste any time; he swooped in and planted a passionate kiss on Maya, sweeping her off her feet as she laughed in delight.

"Enough of the PDA" Kane teased, slapping Jackson on the back. Jackson simply grinned in response, giving Maya one more quick peck before setting her down.

"Jealous much?" Maya asked as she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Hey, I've got my own beautiful wife to keep me busy," Kane retorted, wrapping an arm around Sarah. Sarah chuckled and leaned into him, rolling her eyes at their friends' antics.

Ethan returned to the group; his shoulders slumped dejectedly. He made an effort to smile as he reached them, but it was obvious that his encounter with Colt had stung.