Page 17 of Jackson

"Hey, man, it happens to the best of us," Jackson assured him, clapping him on the shoulder. "Just keep your head up and stay focused on what really matters."

"Like winning this football match?" Ethan suggested half-heartedly, earning chuckles from his friends.

"Exactly," Kane agreed, grinning widely. "We've got bigger fish to fry than worrying about some girl."

"Some girl?" Sarah raised an eyebrow, feigning confusion. "As if you could function without me. Leave Ethan alone. He knows what he wants and he’s going for it.”

"Yes ma’am," Kane muttered, rolling his eyes as the others laughed.

Chapter Eighteen

Three weeks later, the big day finally arrived. Maya, Sarah, Olivia, and Eve, couldn't help but ogle from the sidelines as the men in their lives flexed their muscles and showed off their skills on the field. There was a large crowd, with some market stalls and food trucks set up on the sidelines. People from both counties had come out in support of the women’s shelter. Or maybe just to see men roll around in the mud with a football.

"Oh, Lord, have mercy!" Olivia gasped, fanning herself dramatically. "I don't know how you girls manage to keep yourselves decently clothed around these men.”

"Tell me about it," Sarah added, her eyes glued to her own husband, Kane, as he fumbled the ball but recovered quickly. "Even after a year, I still get butterflies watching him."

"Kane's got you wrapped around his little finger." Maya teased, nudging her friend.

Sarah blushed, but her eyes didn't stray from her husband as he winked at her from the field. "What can I say? The man's got a way with words... and other things."

The three women erupted in a fit of giggles, and even Eve, who was usually reserved, couldn't help but blush. "Don't say it too loud, ladies. Our husbands might get even more cocky than they already are." She said as her eyes tracked her husband Luke on the field.

"Speaking of cocky," Maya started, adjusting her sunglasses. "So, Jackson and I have settled into his house, but I don’t want to waste any more time. I feel like years have past where we could have been…enjoying one another. Now I want it all.”

“So, what does all look like for you?” Sarah asked as the others nodded.

Maya’s eyes glazed over as she looked at the field where Jackson was currently getting tackled by one of the man mountains. “Well, if he survives today,” she grinned, “I’m going to propose. I want Jackson as my husband. I want his baby. Babies really. As many as possible.” Maya turned to the others. “I want a life with him.”

Sarah teared up as she took Maya’s hand. “You would have me saying yes to you if you told me that.” Olivia and Eve leaned in and hugged Maya.

“I can cook the cake,” Eve offered, as Maya nodded to her. The others all started to plan, but Maya held a hand up.

“First, I have to propose, and if I know Jackson, he won’t want to wait. It will be a run down the aisle and me pregnant within a month,” she said, crossing her fingers it worked out that way.

They broke apart at the sound of a cough. “Permission to enter enemy camp,” Amy grinned at them, before Sarah stood up and dragged her down on the ground with them.

“You’re safe, but I think if the men from Bear Ridge come over, then we might have a fight on our hands.” Sarah laughed.

“I noticed your men are a bit protective.” Amy said, wiggling her fingers in a small wave to Ethan who had stopped in his tracks when he saw her.

Amy grimaced as Colt’s tree trunk arms caught Ethan around his waist and threw him to the ground. “Hey Colt. He didn’t even have the ball,” Amy called out as Colt grinned and started to run down Jackson who took off faster down the field.

“So, Ethan has been helping you set up the shelter? He reports back that all is going as planned.” Olivia asked Amy.

“Yeah, he’s been a good help. Colt and the others have been giving him a hard time, but he is holding his own, earning their respect slowly.”

“And nothing between you too?” Maya asked. “I’m sure I see steam between you whenever you are together.”

“Nothing yet.” Amy groaned. “Colt has definitely scared him off, so if he doesn’t make a move soon, then I will.”

“Colt is enough to make anyone have a second thought.” Olivia said. “Maybe you should try to set him up with someone so he keeps out of you love life.”

“The thought has crossed my mind, but there is no one in Bear Ridge that would be suitable.” Amy shrugged. She looked at Olivia. “Unless you’re offering?”

Olivia laughed. “Nope. I have my sights set on someone else,” she said as she pointed out Alex on the field. “Same problem though. But I’m working through it. I still have my “auction date” with him.”

“Thats right. You bought him. Why so slow going on the date?” Sarah asked.