“Oh, really? Fuck, that does suck. But, well, I’m gonna be blunt here, because you’re shit with your contraception pills and—”
Her voice blurred to nothing, and I stared unseeing ahead of me for a second. Oh, holy fucking shit balls of shit.
I hadn’t even thought of the pill since Chloe got murdered. I hadn’t brought it with me that night and hadn’t had a single one since then.
Oh. Oh, Jesus fuck. Oh fucking, fuckity, holy fucking shit.
“Lisa,” I whispered when I realized she’d gone silent into the phone, and I heard her let out a sudden breath.
“Shit, I’m right, aren’t I?” she said quietly.
My hands trembled and my voice broke as those pesky damn tears finally started their journey down my cheeks. “Lisa, I need your help.”
“Anything. Name it.”
I opened my mouth and snapped it shut. Could I really ask her to do this with the risk she might be followed? Whoever was texting me knew me somehow, and anyone who knew me also knew Lisa. “No. Never mind, I’ll figure it out.”
“No way,” she said. “Fuck that. You need me and I’ll be there. Screw this pencil-dick fucker trying to scare you. Pregnancy test. Chocolate. Romance and true crime books. What else do you need?”
Her words made me smile through my tears. “I love you so fucking much, Lisa.”
“Of course you do. I am amazing and I’m bringing you love and murder, what’s not to love?”
“Nothing I can think of.” I laughed, actually laughed even though my whole life was a fucking mess right now. “Okay, I’m going to send you the address of the clubhouse I’m in, but please be careful and make sure you aren’t being followed.”
“Got it,” she said seriously. “I’ve been waiting to use my detective skills to evade a tail, and this is my chance. I’ll see you soon.” She ended the call before I could say anything else, and I flopped on the queen size bed with a sigh.
I couldn’t be pregnant. I mean, it was totally possible that I could be considering my lack of good sense where Rocky and his thick cock were concerned, but I couldn’t be. The universe wouldn’t be so cruel as to heap so many hurdles in my way in a row, could it? Instead of wallowing in the moment, I decided I would wait until I had something else to wallow over. For now, I would wait in the main hub, as if I belonged there when everyone knew I didn’t. I headed out of my room for the first time in a little while.
The clubhouse was set up with a big old pub in the center, what they called the main hub since everyone seemed to converge there for most activities. They had pool tables and booths and darts and a bar. There was a kitchen to one side, and even a dance floor of sorts.
Stairs led from the pub-like building to a bunch of offices and a meeting room, where they held what Rocky called church. And then on either side, two wings stretched out. One side was used as a sort of warehouse and storage, and on the other was where I stayed. My side was a two-story building too, filled with rooms and living spaces and even a big laundry room. It was set up for people like me who needed a somewhere to stay, as well as for ‘nighttime’ activities for the boys, aka when they wanted to fuck and smoke weed, but didn’t want to take it home. The club bunnies—some of whom were strippers who worked at the MC’s shops, but the rest were just sort of…MC groupies, as far as I understood—were often seen wandering all around this wing.
It’s odd. It was a pretty sleazy space if you thought about, but I didn’t hate it. The girls were always fully clothed as per the president’s rules, since sometimes refugees or families occupied this space, and there was something super communal about it. The girls were mostly actually pretty sweet, except for this one bitch called Simone, but I just avoided her whenever I stepped out of my room, like now.
I walked down the long hallway of the living wing and stepped into the main hub.
The first thing I saw when I swung open the door was Rocky.
It was like my body just knew wherever he was when he was close and sought him out. Not this time. He leaned against the bar, smiling like he had no problems in the world, leaning close as he chatted with Tess, a pretty club bunny with black hair and a Southern twang when she spoke.
I scowled at her, even though I’d bumped into her a couple of times and she was actually really sweet. In that moment though, I couldn’t have cared less how nice she was, because she was getting all of Rocky’s attention as if he’d all but forgotten about me.
I was nothing more than an itch to be scratched, a blip on his lengthy radar. I’m fine with it, I lied to myself as I dropped down in an empty chair with my back against the wall.
I wasn’t jealous. Not really. I mean, I had no right to be jealous because Rocky wasn’t mine. Whatever I felt for him was one-sided and I was fine with it. Just fucking fine.
I told myself that I was just as happy to be out of his home and his orbit as he clearly was. It was a lie, of course, but soon enough it wouldn’t be. Soon enough the hurt would fade and the threat would be dealt with, and then I could get started with the rest of my life.
“Whoa, girl! Who pissed in your oatmeal?” Lisa stood in front of me looking concerned.
I blinked, shocked to see her in front of me so soon. “Hey. What are you doing here already?”
She glanced down at her fitness tracker and back at me with a frown. “It’s been more than two hours. Sorry about the tardiness, but I called Nolan.” She pointed to where he stood by the bar with Rocky. “I figured if someone was watching it would be less suspicious this way. Just a girl vising her friend’s dad with him, rather than a bestie sneaking in to see her hidden-away girlie who isn’t supposed to be here.”
I smiled, trying really hard to be as happy as I was pretending, and patted the seat beside me. “Who knew you could be so smart and hot, at the same time?”
Lisa grinned and plopped her cute butt down beside me. “Just about as smart and hot as you are.”