Page 46 of Rocky

“Did you bring everything?”

“Of course. It’s a care package full of goodies, including chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate, because you seem sad, and I figured you could use it. Seeing you now? I’m sure you can use it.”

“I’m not sad,” I lied, and pulled the bag across the table towards me. “I’m just stuck in the middle of a nightmare that I hope isn’t about to get worse.” The last thing I needed to be was pregnant by my ex-boyfriend’s dad who doesn’t want me. “Thank you for this. You got the other thing I asked for?”

“Sure,” Lisa said. “It’s hidden under the chocolate.”

“Nolan wasn’t there when you bought it, was he?” After seeing him turn up with her I had a horrible thought that perhaps he knew.

“Seriously? What do you take me for, an amateur?”

“Thanks, babe. I appreciate it.”

Lisa stood abruptly from the seat beside me and gathered me in her arms, squeezing me in a suffocating hug. “I’ve missed you, girl. Life isn’t the same without you. How long is this gonna last?”

I shrugged as she sat back down. “We’ve found a few things that I hope turn into something, but at this point I think I should just get on with my life and see what happens.”

“No way. You stay here and you stay safe. I didn’t stay in this dustbowl town to bury my bestie. You’ll get through this. You have to.”

Did I? Maybe this was exactly where my life was supposed to end. Maybe people like me who came from defective genes weren’t meant to go the distance. I had a good run even if it felt incomplete, and maybe I should just be happy with that. “We’ll see. Can you stay a bit?”

“I have a meeting in an hour and I can’t miss it, but if you need me to grab something else, to chat, or to show up with a tarp and duct tape, give me a call and I’ll be here in no time.”

Her words put a reluctant smile on my face. “Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind if it comes down to it.”

“For what it’s worth,” Lisa said with a suddenly lowered voice, as she leaned in closer, “I think Nolan is finally starting to get the hint.”

I snorted a laugh. “He’s the least of my worries. In fact, the only thing I’m worried about anymore is myself. Making it out of this nightmare alive so I can start living again.”

“That’s my girl.” She grinned and hugged me again. “I can see why you like Rocky, by the way. He’s got that hot older dude tough guy thing going on in spades. I’ll bet the sex is off the charts.”

I nodded. “It’s so good it made its own chart.”

“Damn,” she whispered wistfully. “I’m sorry.”

“Me too.” We stood at the same time, staring at each other, unwilling to say goodbye even though we had to. “I’ll call or text you tonight. Good luck with your meeting.”

“Thanks.” She gave me one last hug and motioned for Nolan to meet her at the door. I watched and smiled. If those two had gotten together instead of Nolan and I, they would’ve made a much better couple, and Nolan would be happy right now.

But then again, I never would have met Rocky if I hadn’t been close enough with his son to know I could trust him before I’d met him.

I glanced at Rocky, who had his back to me.

I still couldn’t decide if that would have been a good thing, or not.

Chapter 23


I had enough of this silent treatment bullshit. I knew I fucking deserved it, and I knew I should just give Peyton the space she wanted, but I just couldn’t fucking do it. She looked so goddamn sad sitting alone in the clubhouse while everyone was having fun all around her and I wanted to go to her, but I didn’t.

Because I was a fucking coward. Give me an enemy I could handle, bikers or bangers, suits or politicians, terrorists and the like. But a sad woman? Fuck, I was powerless against that.

I watched her the whole time she was in the main hub, even though I pretended not to. I watched her obsessively, missing the sight of her face, and even after she left, I couldn’t stop seeing her in my mind’s eye. Even Tess was noticing it.

“What’s gone and crawled up your tight little tush, VP?” Her voice swirled in its lazy Southern twang, but I barely heard her, and I had to force my eyes away from the door Peyton had disappeared behind, and remind myself what I was doing and who I was talking to.
