“You disgusting little?—”

He took a step forward but I held my ground. Trevor’s hand shot out, pressing into my father’s chest and forcing him to take a stumbling step back.

“What the hell is going on here?”

My brother’s voice rang through the foyer where we stood facing off.

“Nathan, your brother is attempting to take your mother and Aubrey from this house. We need to call the authorities and have him removed from the property.”

I looked at Nate. His face was blank as his eyes shifted between our fathers and where Trevor stood protecting my mother and I from them. Nate started forward, buttoning his designer suit jacket as he came to stand shoulder to shoulder with Charles. I only just held in a whimper as my last hope, that the brother I loved was still inside Nate, died. My mother’s hand came up to my shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. I thought she might have been coming to the same realization that I was, until I looked down to see a small smile on her face. Swinging my gaze back to Nate, I watched him turn and step between Trevor and our father until they were almost nose to nose.

“Go ahead and call the authorities, Father. I would be more than happy to give my statement about your treatment of my mother. While I’m at it, I could let them know about the campaign finance violations and embezzlement that Alpha Owens already warned you would be exposed if you hurt Ethan again.”

Harrison’s face was slack with shock and Charles’ was nearly purple. I couldn’t believe it. Nate was turning on them?

“Or, you can leave the premises until Mom and Aubrey have removed all the belongings that they would like to take to their new home. That will give you plenty of time to contact your attorneys and arrange for a quiet separation, with generous monthly support payments to be made to this account.”

Nate pulled a card out of his jacket and my father snatched it from his hand. He glared at me before shifting his eyes to my mother, who straightened and met his stare. Pride swelled in my chest. Something flickered in his eyes and my father’s shoulders slumped. He turned to leave without another word. Harrison trailed behind him, giving one last look toward the stairs where I realized Aubrey and Daniels had been standing, watching it all unfold, before our fathers walked out the door. Nate closed the door and turned back to us.

“Gentlemen, if you would, there’s a moving truck outside and I could use some help loading so Mom and Aubrey can move into their new apartment straight away. And I’d like a moment alone with my family.”

“The boxes in my room are ready to go.”

Aubrey’s voice was small and it broke me from my stupor. I looked up to where she’d started down the stairs and saw Daniels’ brow furrow. His hand lifted like he wanted to reach out to her but that was all I saw before a broad chest suddenly blocked my line of sight.

“I’ll help Daniels. Call if you need me.”

Trevor gave me an almost sheepish grin before he walked past my sister and up the stairs to where Daniels had disappeared down the hall. I needed to sit down. Too much was happening too fast and I was struggling to process it all. Nate’s quiet voice pulled me back to the moment and to my family. Aubrey was cuddled into Mom’s other side as the three of us looked at him.

“I’m so sorry.”

My big brother’s stoic and pristine persona crumbled before my eyes as he crouched down and pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes. Looking over at my mom and sister, Aubrey looked as shocked as I felt and a tear slipped down Mom’s cheek. She walked over to Nate and gently tugged on his hands until he stood. His face was a study in sadness and self-loathing until she wrapped him in a hug and began speaking softly in Spanish. Telling him it wasn’t his fault, he was a good man, and how proud she was of him for helping them.

Aubrey reached out and squeezed my hand, and I used it to reel her in until she was pressed into my side.

“What’s this about an apartment?”

Mom and Nate broke from their hug and he cleared his throat to answer Aubs.

“I have been trying to get a place for you and Ethan in one of the safest buildings in the city for about eight months now. I finally got the notice that we were off the waitlist about two weeks before Ethan was… taken.”

What? More importantly… “Why? Why do this? Why not say anything to us?”

Nate flinched at my tone. I couldn’t tell if it came out as the accusation, I’d meant it to be or if he could hear how much his indifference had hurt me, especially these last few months.

“I thought that if I did all the things they asked, if I kept them proud of me, distracted, they’d leave you two alone. When Aubrey perfumed, I realized how stupid I’d been. It started with them laughing at jokes that men at their club made about her matches ‘opening doors’ for Charles. I’m embarrassed about how long it took me to realize those jokes had stuck with them and become more of a plan, not just for Aubrey, but for Ethan too. I knew I had to get you all away, but I was scared that Mom wouldn’t want to leave or that they would do something like they did today. I couldn’t figure out how to get you all out.”

“Then everything happened with Ethan and I started to get desperate. They were making moves that I didn’t think they would until he perfumed, or Aubrey turned eighteen. It was all going to shit, and I couldn’t protect any of you. I was failing you, when all I wanted to do was?—”

His voice choked off and Aubrey and I moved to surround him and Mom in a hug. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d hugged my brother. I tucked my head against his shoulder blade as he struggled to compose himself.

“I heard what your Alpha said to them at the party. About the money, the crimes, and I investigated from my end of the businesses. It was what I needed. Charles cares more about his reputation than anything or anyone. Harrison would never go against him, so I set up an account they couldn’t access and moved some of their money into it for Mom. Just in case. I signed the lease and started to get it furnished and everything so at least Aubrey and I could move in when she turned eighteen but then Mom called today and I told her everything.”

We all pulled apart, Aubrey and Mom brushing their cheeks. Nate looked at me and I saw his jaw tic as he seemed to not know what else to say.

“I wish you’d told me.”

“I know, I’m sorry…”